I have struggled with anorexia and compulsive exercise for the past few years, and now that I am back to a healthy weight this is my blog to document my new life without my ED.
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Sunday, June 27, 2010
I don't have a lot of time but I thought I would do a quick update.
I watched the soccer game last night, and USA lost, which was sad :( but it was fun to watch. Oh well, now I am 100% for Germany. GO DEUTSCHLAND!!!!!! They play tonight and it should be a good game.
As far as eating goes, I have been doing well. The bread here is so great and isn't chalenging at all. But we had döner today, and I ate it but it was quite chalenging. It didn't help that I saw them cook it and the giant thing of meat was dripping with fat :/ But, it didn't stop me from eating it, and it was pretty good. And even though I know I have nothing to worry about, it is just a bit unsettling. I just gotta get my mind off of it. Other than that, the sweets and buttered sandwiches are the only problems, but I am dealing. It feels good to get that out there, cause it shows me how irrational I am being...
Well, I guess I will stop this rambling post, and wish you all a great Sunday and rest of your week!
Monday, June 21, 2010
100th post, and from Hohen-Neundorf!
Hello Everyone! I am posting my 100th post from Hohen-Neundorf, which is where the school I am going to is. It is so different here!! Everything is smaller ;) And Berlin is so interesting!! I have so much to show you!! we saw the Brandenburg Gate, and the wall, and so many things. And I ate currywurst and chocolate =D It is good :)
Well, I have to go, but I wanted to check in! Talk to you later, and have a magnificant Monday!!
Well, I have to go, but I wanted to check in! Talk to you later, and have a magnificant Monday!!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Germany today!!!!!!
Thank you all for your insight about what to do about telling my family in Germany about my ED. I think I am going to not tell them unless I feel like I am struggling.
I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am! I wanted to post before I left, and I will be taking TONS of pictures, but I don't know if I will be able to post them. I will talk to you in about three weeks!
Have a great time and keep on fighting!!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Boy let me tell you that having your house on the market is tough! Keeping everything clean, leaving at a moment's notice, taking the dogs, yikes! I hope it is over soon...
So my blogging has been lacking a little bit in the picture department. I think part of it had to do with me loosing the Dslr. Well, I didn't loose it, somebody misplaced it and we thought it got stolen during a showing. But... I found it!!! So now I can use it again =D So without further ado, pictures!
So I told you about going to a coffee shop in Cincinnati right? I forgot to put up the pictures! Here is one of me with my two lovely grandmas :) (by the way, the one on the left is the one I bought the larabars and dates and figs for and she loves them! I thought you would get a laugh out of that!)

and here is one of me enjoying an espresso!

The only interesting things that happened were...

I am so excited!!

and today I found this bug dead on the floor and it looked so cool I had to take a picture! Do any of you know what this is??
And I need to tell you all about my Germany trip! I am going to leave next friday to live with Pascal and his family for three weeks near Berlin! =D I am so excited!! It is going to be awesome!!
And tomorrow, I am racing with three friends, so it should be great :) then headed to Cincinnati again! surprise surprise haha
Okay folks, if you read this far, thank you and congratulations!! You made it through one of my most random posts ever!!! I hope you have a fantastic weekend :)
So my blogging has been lacking a little bit in the picture department. I think part of it had to do with me loosing the Dslr. Well, I didn't loose it, somebody misplaced it and we thought it got stolen during a showing. But... I found it!!! So now I can use it again =D So without further ado, pictures!
So I told you about going to a coffee shop in Cincinnati right? I forgot to put up the pictures! Here is one of me with my two lovely grandmas :) (by the way, the one on the left is the one I bought the larabars and dates and figs for and she loves them! I thought you would get a laugh out of that!)
and here is one of me enjoying an espresso!
ahhhh it was good :)
Then it was back home for me. I won't bore you with my week at home, but basically it was just cleaning the house, being lazy, and riding my bike :) I still kinda get a bit anxious when I have too much free time, but it really is good for me to just sit down for a little while!
- The dentist: I had a normal cleaning then two days later got 4 fillings at once! Apparently I have deep grooves in my teeth, and no matter how well I brush I can still get decay in them. Yay.
- I had an appt with my psychiatrist. It went well. Better than last time, and I think with school being out I am under a lot less stress. The only other thing we talked about was brought up by me. I am headed to Germany next week more on that later ;) and I don't know if I should tell my host family about my ED. I don't want to, but I think it is a great safety net for me to not restrict you know? It seems like it may be all to easy to restrict otherwise... What would you do?
- I went out to lunch with my friend who moved here from Germany about 3 years ago. We talked about some cultural things I am going to encounter. One example that I found interesting is that if I talk about being a cyclist, they will probably bring up doping because it is a big problem in cycling, and he said that they may sound mad but they are just very into the discussion. Same thing with politics, they just love to debate I guess! We also talked about how people will want to talk to me in English, but I am going to have to say something for them to talk to me in German. I really don't want to speak English while I am there, so I can learn more German!
Tofu coated with curry and red pepper seared and on a sandwich. I seared it because I was too impatient to let it cook!
I am so excited!!
a "kitchen sink" smoothie. In went:frozen mixed fruit (strawberries, mango, grapes, etc.) yogurt, coconut milk, a handful of oats, and lettuce. It was a weird combo, but I wanted the veggies for the day and it didn't taste "lettucey" at all! Is this my first "green monster"?!?!?!?!?!
my first pranabar. I liked it, not my favorite, but I liked it. I am going to have to try some more flavors.
two low fat hot dogs I had for dinner one night.
snack combo of yogurt, cereal, nuts, and I think coconut and almond milks. I forget :/ I played with the depth of field a bit ;)
my fave larabar =D
Tofu "pizza" sandwich I had for lunch today was made with tofu, pizza spice, and mozzerela melted in the broiler. yummmm......
and today I found this bug dead on the floor and it looked so cool I had to take a picture! Do any of you know what this is??
And I need to tell you all about my Germany trip! I am going to leave next friday to live with Pascal and his family for three weeks near Berlin! =D I am so excited!! It is going to be awesome!!
And tomorrow, I am racing with three friends, so it should be great :) then headed to Cincinnati again! surprise surprise haha
Okay folks, if you read this far, thank you and congratulations!! You made it through one of my most random posts ever!!! I hope you have a fantastic weekend :)
Monday, June 7, 2010
monday 7 June 2010
Ahhh It is nice to be back home and to the blog world! I had a nice weekend of racing and grandma visiting :)
Well, saturday I rode and got rained on, so I won't share that because it stunk :/ but I did go to church and worked the cafe and that was fun :)
Sunday, I raced. The course was SOO easy (basically an oval) so it was pretty fast. It was fun, and we had team radios so our coach was talking to us and it was awesome :) I had a little bit of asthma during the race, but it got worse towards the end when it started to speed up. I didn't finish with the pack, but I finished, and there were no crashes, so that was good. And a friend/team-mate RJwon!!!!!!!! That was so awesome :) Here are a few pictures from race day...

Well, saturday I rode and got rained on, so I won't share that because it stunk :/ but I did go to church and worked the cafe and that was fun :)
Sunday, I raced. The course was SOO easy (basically an oval) so it was pretty fast. It was fun, and we had team radios so our coach was talking to us and it was awesome :) I had a little bit of asthma during the race, but it got worse towards the end when it started to speed up. I didn't finish with the pack, but I finished, and there were no crashes, so that was good. And a friend/team-mate RJwon!!!!!!!! That was so awesome :) Here are a few pictures from race day...
we saw this deer on the way into the park
lots of MOB colors in here...(by the way, MOB stands for Motivated Over Bicycling) :)
RJ going for the win!! And he did it!!!
Then we went to Cincinnati to see family. We got to see both of my grandmas and we went out to lunch. I had pasta with chicken and marinara and it was good :) Of course I also had some coffee ;) And the best canolimy grandma had ever had! And she is Italian!! Sorry, no pic... :(
that is about it! I will talk to you later, have a GREAT Tuesday!!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Quick post
Hello everyone!
I have had quite a nice relaxing day today :) I just hung out at home and the bike store until lunch when I enjoyed this:

Isn't she cute?!?!?!?!?!? She looks like a person <3
And, I want to share with you a store my friend opened up! She makes the most beautiful beads and jewlery...like this!
She does custom orders and glass work and even makes bicycle jewlery! You have got to check out her etsy!!
Have a wonderful day tomorrow!!!!
I have had quite a nice relaxing day today :) I just hung out at home and the bike store until lunch when I enjoyed this:

It is a tofu sandwich (on rice bread that I found in the freezer) sprinkled with pizza spices and topped with co jack cheese. I put lettuce on the other side of the bread. Yes the tofu is raw, because I am lazy like that ;)
Then I went to my nutritionist appointment. I stayed at the same weight, which is a good thing. She says I am at the lower end of normal, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to gain a bit more though. The only thing we realised with my eating that needs changing is to make sure that I get enough calories on days when I do longer rides. Overall though a very good appointment :) My N is great!
Then my mom and I were both hungry so we went out to eat at Noodles and Co. I had the curry, even though I had a curry monday night ;) I guess I am in the mood for spicy curries now? It was good :)
Got home and watched the blind side. It was really good!!! I would def. recommend it. And I think Gretchen was pretty relaxed during the movie, but you be the judge...

Isn't she cute?!?!?!?!?!? She looks like a person <3
And, I want to share with you a store my friend opened up! She makes the most beautiful beads and jewlery...like this!
She does custom orders and glass work and even makes bicycle jewlery! You have got to check out her etsy!!
Have a wonderful day tomorrow!!!!
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