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Monday, August 30, 2010

Versatile Blogger Award!

Much thanks to lucie for the Versatile Blogger Award!! here are the rules:

  • Thank the person who gave you the award.
  • Share seven things about yourself.
  • Give this award out to 15 other bloggers that you think are fabulous, interesting and deserving.
ok, so seven things about myself it is then!  I'll warn you now, they are 100% random ;)
  1. I have moved 5 times
  2. I saw all of this on my bike ride saturday: a drunk/high man, paramedics, police and... that's it.  I'll tell you more in a few ;)
  3. I am going through serious withdrawal from my espresso machine :( It is in storage while we wait for the house to be done.  Rest assured, my coffee is still getting made every day, just not with the espresso machine ;)  still I miss it :/
  4. I am about to move again!!  But this time it is a good thing, just from our temporary apartment into a permanent house :)  should be about 2 more weeks!
  5. I feel like I am still on east coast time on the weekends, because I have to wake up so early for bike rides
  6. I don't know exactly what I want to do for a profession, I may want to be a psychologist, psychiatrist, other type of medical doctor, or engineer(but that is the least likely)  I must get better at decision making!!
  7. I think I want to go to college in Germany!  I at least want to look into it a lot more than i have...
So ya, that's all I could think of now, and sorry Lucie for stealing some of your ideas ;)  

Well, not much has happened since we last spoke, so I will tell you a funny story about my ride on Sunday where we met the drunk/high man!

So, we are just riding along and this guy is on the side of the road and is yelling 'HELP ME!!!" so we ended up stopping and he was like passed out on the ground.  So a guy in our group called 911 and the paramedics came.  They had apparently already met this guy earlier that night!  He was yelling, stumbling around, telling us people choked him and that "they shot at me!"  and then he proceeded to cry  when the police came.  Pretty darn funny.  So that was my most interesting experience of the week, I will hopefully have more relevant news in the future ;)  Now though I will pass on this wonderful award!

So, here are the 15 I pass it on to.  There are SO many more who deserve it, but I will stick to the rules and give it to 15.  I am confident it will cycle around all of the wonderful blog community :] 

Lotta - und wir vermissen dich sehr!!

Killian - Missing you and thinking of you all the time!  I hope all is well :)

And I cannot stress enough how much I mean it when I say that you ALL deserve this award!  You are all so fantastic and wonderful and a treasure :)  Thanks for being you!


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lack of pics!!

So, I am a bit upset because the reporter at the barista jam hasn't sent me the pictures she took yet :/  And I am quite bummed because they were really good!  Oh well, I will share some of my own ;)  Thanks to my parents for taking them!!
an ARRAY of expensive grinders!!  Elektra Nino, mazzer electronic, and Compak k10 WBC!  I love it!!
A fellow competitor along with a BEAUTIFUL shot of this incredible machine!  4 Group La Marzocco Linea...It was an absolute JOY to work on!
another competitor starting her pour
a picture of me with this machine, about to stop my pull.
me pouring my first latte

I poured my last drink with the help of my future boss and it was my best ever!  Unfortunately no pics :/
I didn't win, but I am so glad I went!!  It makes me really excited for my interview and (hopefully!) job.

Some foodie pics ok?

Chef spinach salad made by my mom :)
I had this as a snack one day, it was really good!!

grilled steak salad.  The steak on this, if I do say so myself, was cooked to perfection!  Perfect medium rare :)
Veggie sushi with edamame, yumm!  I bought this, because I can't make it ;)
and I used this to hold my soy sauce for dipping because I had no cute little dishes ;)  
and my messy table with the dish haha
I guess this is one of the only hot dishes on this post, but it is hot here!  A nice burger on a bun. simple. delish.
and finally...oats in a jar!!  It was just as good as it looks, possibly better ;)
And a pluot! (with a bite nonetheless!  Isn't it so pretty inside?!?!) part plum part apricot...

So, as you can tell, dinners have been a lot of salads.  Simple explanation, it has been HOT HOT HOT here!!!!  This kitchen gets even hotter, so we cook as little as possible!  Here is a pic of the thermometer in the car (measures outside) yesterday after school.
No joke there.  That is legit!  (haha that sounded ridiculous!) Sorry it is blurry...

Well, other than that, nothing else has really happened!  School is school. I think it is easier than the school in Indiana, but... that's ok I guess.  I think it will get harder... But I have just been working through the week, staying on track with my work, and we are already over hump day!!  I can't believe it, this week is going so fast, but it really makes me happy!  I can't wait for the weekend, but I also REALLY want to hear about my interview before then ;)

I hope all is going well for you!  We are more than half way through this week my friends!  I wish you all a terrific thursday, and hopefully I can talk to you all before the weekend!


Sunday, August 22, 2010

weekend update!

Don't you love that segment on SNL?  It was my favorite until Tina Fey left...

anyways, my weekend was great! But this post is going to be lacking in pictures.  The reason?  The photographer at the barista jam (more on that later!) hasn't sent me pictures from the jam yet, so I don't want to post without those!  So, I figure I will do a post about just the barista jam, sound good?

So, here is my weekend.

Friday:  I went to my new team director's house and picked up a kit (AKA uniform)!  I am really really excited about this season with this team, because the guys are really nice and down to earth, and I feel like it is just going to be great!  I then proceeded to go to bed at like 9:30 so I could get up in time to ride on saturday ;)  I also got my Aeropress and Operation Beautiful.  The aeropress is really hard to explain, but basically it is a totally new way of brewing coffee.  It is similar in volume to an espresso (3-4 oz) but is filtered with paper instead of metal, and is extracted under less pressure.  The result I find is a very smooth cup of coffee, and you can adjust it with extra hot water to taste.  Here is a pic:

And, I just HAD to buy Operation Beautiful once I heard that the wonderful Rebecca was in it!!!!  So, it came in my shipment from amazon with the coffee stuff and I just started reading it, and so far it is SO GOOD!!  I read the blog, but I didn't know how they would make it into a book, but let me tell you that it is great!  

Saturday:  I woke up at 5:00 to ride to the ride that started at 6:00.  I ate a bowl of muesli (overnight oats) and had some coffee (while still half asleep), got dressed, and headed out to the ride.  The ride was, again, great :]  I couldn't tell you where I went, because I just follow the crowd and I have no idea whatsoever!  I do know that we were at a place called the towers, but I don't know where that was ;]  Regardless of where we were, it was a good ride, yet challenging.  I am still not used to the hills here, it is a big change from the Indiana pancake.  Then we went out to Tee Pee Mexican restaurant here that is supposed to be famous, but it wasn't all that special I didn't think.  And the rest of that night was the Barista Jam, which I pinky promise I will share with you as soon as I get the pictures ;)

Sunday:  Today I rode again with a smaller group made up of mostly teammates.  It was a rather hilly ride again, and it was SO humid cause it stormed last night.  I did pretty well though, didn't get lost, and got home so all is well :)  again, all the teammates are just so nice, I really feel like I am in the right place in that regard.  I also got to talk to Pascal and some other friends from Germany!!  The 9 hour time difference is just awful, it is so hard to talk to them :/  Then we went to IKEA, which was nice, but that store is just TOO BIG!  I get so frustrated sometimes...  Then we went out to dinner (too hot to cook, didn't want to heat up the kitchen) and I had a grilled chicken sub.  It was so good!  And I tried some of my dad's roast beef and it was great too.  And now we are home, about to watch some tv, and then go to bed for school tomorrow!

Have a magnificent monday!!!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

First WEEK of school

WOW this week has flown by!!  I feel like it was yesterday that I posted about my first day =O  Well, good news, I have met some more people  =D  I talked to some more people in class and I think that is a good start ;)

And the teachers are so much more relaxed!  I really like it, especially my Psychology teacher because she is just so funny!

I also want to thank you all for ALL of your encouraging words on my last post, they really helped me :]  I love that no matter where I am I always have a ton of blog friends that I can talk to :]  Thank you so much, really I mean it!

I will tell you more about my week as I have some time to reflect, but a heads up to what is going on this weekend... I am going to a barista jam!!  It is where a bunch of coffee Geeks get together and compete at pulling shots, and latte art, like this!
from Intelligentsia 

I am a bit nervous, because it is REALLY likely that I am going to be the youngest one there, but I am also excited because I want to get some job openings and show everyone what I can do!  I got fresh roasted coffee from LUX and I'm ready to go ;)  Wish me luck!!

Have a wonderful FRIDAY tomorrow!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

First day of school :/

Yep. Today was the first day of school at a new school for me, but I will tell you more about that later.  First, Food!!

Surprisingly, I have been making some pretty good dishes in this teeny tiny kitchen in our apartment.  By the way, I really miss my gas cooktop!!!

Mixed green salad with strawberries, almonds, pistachios, and topped with shredded chicken and ginger vinaigrette 
close up
salmon burger atop spaghetti with yogurt-dill sauce.  And yes, that is a hot dog bun toast.  Out of bread ;)
Seared sushi grade Ahi tuna on spinach with baguette.  GREAT!
This weekend was really great!!  My last weekend of summer, and I made it a great one :)  The main thing that happened is that I got a new cycling team!  Now, It is bittersweet because I can't thank Mario enough for my wonderful experience at M.O.B squad, but at the same time I am glad to be settled with a team I am happy with here in town.  I rode on Saturday and met a lot of riders, a lot of which were on the team I was interested in.  Then I talked to their team director and rode with him on Sunday and got on the team!  I am excited to be a part of team Bicycle Haus :)  And, the team director also is into coffee just like me!  I talked to him about LUX, it came up somehow, and he knew it!  He said I haven't lived here long enough to find out about LUX yet :)  AND, he is a foodie!  He told me that Pane Bianco, which is right next to LUX is owned by the same guy who started Pizzeria Bianco!  (Considered one of the best Neapolitan pizza in the nation!)  He seems like an awesome guy :)

Ok, first day of school shall we?

Well, it was pretty good.  I like my classes and my teachers.  The only thing is the kids are a bit different than I am used to.  But I think I will get used to it in time, it has only been a day after all ;)

I don't know, it is probably my problem that I didn't really meet anyone today.  I just don't talk much!  So therefore, I ate alone and didn't meet many people :/  But, I think that with time it will get better.  Any advice?  I know I need to talk to people, but I just don't know if we have ANYTHING in common!   :\

Well, Wish me luck tomorrow, I am confident I will meet more people :)

Have a fantastic day tomorrow!!!!!!


Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday 9. August 2010

So, life in Phoenix/Scottsdale is pretty nice so far!  After the air conditioning problems are fixed , it really isn't that bad.  But it has been below average a few days we have been here, so...

So bike riding in the summer in Phoenix?  Wake up early.  I mean early!  I got up at 4:45 on saturday to ride, and we got a good ride in with some friends of my dad's.  I liked the riding early, cause we got back really early, like 9:45.

And I HAD to get my dad down to LUX coffee.  So we went and I tried out Lola, but went to LUX afterwards and got a seriously good shot ;)

We were supposed to get up early (4:30) on sunday, but we slept in and rode later, but it was hot.

I also learned a LOT about racing around Arizona, which was a big relief to me.  I found out that my team has a history of riders going to the Jelly Belly pro team, which is like a dream of mine!  So I am excited to start racing for my new team and maybe (hopefully) get to Jelly Belly in a few years.

So, unfortunately I have a bit of news on the ED front.  I have been looking up nutrition facts :/  Now, I haven't looked up things before we go out so I know what to order, but i have been looking up things once I order to see what's in it.  I know it isn't good and I don't need to, but I just fell like I need to :(  I think it is a combination of things that is causing me to do this, I mean I am sure it is a big stress t be in a new city, and my sister wanting to eat healthy (which is not AT ALL a bad thing Meagan!) and just wanting to overhear her nutrition facts she is looking up and disguise my looking up nutrition facts like I am "helping" her.  It has got to stop...

well, that is all I have for now, my family wants to watch a movie and is being impatient, so I will talk to you later!


Friday, August 6, 2010

REAL trip report and first days in Phoenix

WARNING: Novel Ahead

So, I will give you a real trip report, sound good?  (of course I will focus on the coffee stops we made because that was the best)  ;)  I wrote this tuesday but didn't get to post it until today because I needed to get pictures up.

Day 1-  we got a late start because it took forevvvver to load the truck.  We completely filled the truck!  Our driver wasn't sure he was going to fit it all, because he had this stupid picnic bench in the back haha.  He is a nice guy though.  Anyway, we started driving around 9:30 PM and only got about an hour out to Terra Haute IN.  Our hotel in Terra haute sucked!  But, it was only one night...

Day 2- I woke up and had oatmeal at the breakfast buffet, and made coffee (I brought my French Press and a hand grinder for my beans).  Then we headed out for St. Louis.  We got there in about 3 hours and stopped for coffee at Northwest Coffee Roasters.  They roast right there in the store! I got a delish espresso, and the fam. enjoyed their drinks as well.  Quick note for anyone who happens to be a coffee geek as I am:  They had a PID'ed La Marzzoco Linea!  It was pretty sweet ;) 

Then we headed on to Oklahoma City.  We saw the memorial and it is absolutely breathtaking.  It is a memorial for the bombing that happened there and pictures speak louder than words so here you go:
Statue of Jesus crying

An artistic blur shot with the zoom of the 9:01 wall

Hotel was great tonight :)  Especially after an 11 hour day in the car!

Day 3-  We got up, I made my coffee and had breakfast when I realized that I had a coffee shop to go to!  (don't worry, I drank the french press later)  So we went to Coffee Slingers!  It was really good.  They had NO drip coffee, so they brewed a fresh French press for my dad, I had a great espresso, and my mom had a latte and my sister an iced chai.  Funny, because it was right next to a bike store so we had to go in to that as well!!

Synesso, I like it ;)
Then it was time to drive.  We dove about 8 hours and got to Albuquerque at a decent time to have dinner there.  The best food of the trip, we went to a sea food restaurant.  I got this:

and no, I didn't eat the fin! ;)

This hotel was also nice.

Day 4-  we woke up, and I went with my dad to a coffee shop I wanted to go to.  Turns out it is closed on Sundays.  Fail.  So we wasted about an hour trying to find it and it wasn't even open.  We went home and had breakfast.  I had oats and halfway through the bowl I realized it was missing something, so I went out to the car and grabbed my jar of PB.  It was quite funny, because I was in this restaurant with my coffee, a grinder, a jar of PB, all that I brought myself haha ;)  Well, it was time to get to the driving.  We drove another 8 hours through some beautiful scenery and a bit of traffic.  One point in New Mexico, we were at such a high altitude, the temperature was only 57!  Well that changed, by the time we got to Phoenix it was 100 at like 7:00.

curvy mountain roads

I love mountains!!

(Not much food was pictured because it consisted of fast food grilled chicken sandwiches for me, so not all that exciting.)

And of course the dogs enjoyed the trip ;)
haley with the tongue out
gretchen :)
Mini sleeping like a baby, how cute!

So, I have been in Phoenix 3 days so far, and I like it :)  The only problem is our apartment (until the house is finished) had the AC broke our first night there.  So we wake up to a 90 degree house, and are like what the heck.  So we called the landlord, who called a repair guy, and it got fixed around 4.  In the meantime, we stayed in shops and stuff as much as possible.  Then while my parents were moving things out of my dad's old apartment into our new one, my sister and I went to the pool by our soon to be house.  It was so great to just jump in the water!  The night was nice because the AC was fixed.  We all slept well.  Tuesday we woke up and ran a bunch of errands. One of which was very important!
So I went to a coffee shop on Monday called Press.  It is only about 4 miles from our new house, so I would LOVE to work there.  I got a application on Monday and returned it tuesday.  I met a manager who asked me a few casual questions and said he would pass on my application to his manger.  I think it is a good sign!  I am so so so excited  =D  She is going to call me, and I am assuming interview me. 

Every time we stopped home it got hotter and hotter in the house.  It turned out it was broken again, and the repair man couldn't come to fix it that night. So we packed up our things and went to my dad's apartment, that he still has until the 14th thank god!  We slept there in AC and hoped to get it fixed today.  Well, we are spending another night here because it isn't fixed!  And there is a heat advisory, as it is 110 today and going to get to 114 tomorrow.  so ya ,it needs to be fixed ASAP!  Fixed!! :}

The highlight of my day today was stopping by LUX coffee bar here in Phoenix.  It was hard to find (no sign on the front), but boy was it worth it!!  The atmosphere was unique and I liked it.  Very artsy, and very focused on incredible coffee and food.  Everyone there had Mac computers :)  They had a beautiful three group lever machine :)   I had a macchiato and it was fantastic.  That was one of the best shots of espresso I have had in quite a while!  So I bought another ;)  This time it was a straight shot and OMG it was delish!!  I would say it was the best shot I have had outside of Seattle, and it rivaled those :o
Espresso and mom's latte
Pulling a shot on the San Marco lever

(EDIT)  I went again today and got another shot of espresso, and the guy gave me a free one because it was a better pull than the first ;)  I got some pics today.

Well, I am off to go to the pool, try to catch up on more blogs, and relax some more ;)

Have a great day all!  You deserve it :]


P.S. if you are in any of these towns, I absolutely recommend you go to these coffee shops.  They are the best of the best and they all take their coffee very seriously.  It shows in the taste ;]

P.P.S I have a pic TT that I forgot to share, so here it is!
Quite an intense expression!

Monday, August 2, 2010


So, I guess I promised you regular posts too early, because I have been driving from Indianapolis to Phoenix since last Thursday!  28 hours later, and 4 nights at hotels later, I am here.  Problem is I don't have a computer once my sister leaves to go back to school.  But I promise I will try my hardest.  Boy is moving a pain!!  I can't wait to get into the house (we are in an apartment until september)  and get settled.

So, the trip went well.  There weren't any real hiccups, so that was good.  I have been having more ED thoughts and anxiety around food, but I have managed to not let them change my eating habits.  I now that the more I hold out against these thoughts, I will be better off.  Change is a real trigger for me, and combined with non activity (car riding for 4 days) just about put me over the top.  I am not feeling great, but I know i can get through this.

And I am now trying to get caught up on all of your wonderful blogs!  I have fallen behind over the trip and packing and such.  I am trying to comment the most I can, and I am reading much more.  My sister has an E reader and that is good to read on, but not comment, so i sometimes read on that.

Enjoy life, and enjoy the body you are living it in!  You are all so great :)
