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Monday, August 2, 2010


So, I guess I promised you regular posts too early, because I have been driving from Indianapolis to Phoenix since last Thursday!  28 hours later, and 4 nights at hotels later, I am here.  Problem is I don't have a computer once my sister leaves to go back to school.  But I promise I will try my hardest.  Boy is moving a pain!!  I can't wait to get into the house (we are in an apartment until september)  and get settled.

So, the trip went well.  There weren't any real hiccups, so that was good.  I have been having more ED thoughts and anxiety around food, but I have managed to not let them change my eating habits.  I now that the more I hold out against these thoughts, I will be better off.  Change is a real trigger for me, and combined with non activity (car riding for 4 days) just about put me over the top.  I am not feeling great, but I know i can get through this.

And I am now trying to get caught up on all of your wonderful blogs!  I have fallen behind over the trip and packing and such.  I am trying to comment the most I can, and I am reading much more.  My sister has an E reader and that is good to read on, but not comment, so i sometimes read on that.

Enjoy life, and enjoy the body you are living it in!  You are all so great :)



  1. I know that you can get through this rough patch! The crucial part is that you abstain from giving in. ED thoughts cannot be controlled, but your reaction to them CAN. Keep defying ED, and sooner or later he will have to give up :P
    I too have taken many road trips this summer and being sedentary IS a challenge-- a very productive one, though! Everyone deserves rest days. Relaxing is just as important as being active!
    I hope that you are exploring your new location :) I am in an apartment now as well(our house sold before we could move into our new one) and I cannot wait to discover Pennsylvania when we get there on August 16th. It is so cool that we are going through this moving experience at the same time!!!

  2. Scott! yaaaay! :) I am so glad you made it safely to Arizona! And as hard as it must be, great job holding back from the tempting that ED must be giving you a lot of. Its so good to hear from you, thanks for your comments, I would love to skype again, problem is I cant get it from my computer because the internet no longer works so I would have to use my moms and she uses it alot so we would just have to work a little harder but it would still work and I hope we can! I leave thurday for the whole weekend but after that I am free!
    try not to get suffocated in the apartment! ;)

  3. Scott! Good for you on not letting those ED thoughts bother you =D I'm so happy that you got to Arizona safely, hope to hear from you soon!

    Paola <3

  4. Scott,
    keep doing what you're doing. those voices and thoughts will appear when you want them to the least, but you're stronger. YOU are in control. Not ED. Remember that, ok?

    good luck with the rest of your trip!
    have a marvelous evening
