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Sunday, August 22, 2010

weekend update!

Don't you love that segment on SNL?  It was my favorite until Tina Fey left...

anyways, my weekend was great! But this post is going to be lacking in pictures.  The reason?  The photographer at the barista jam (more on that later!) hasn't sent me pictures from the jam yet, so I don't want to post without those!  So, I figure I will do a post about just the barista jam, sound good?

So, here is my weekend.

Friday:  I went to my new team director's house and picked up a kit (AKA uniform)!  I am really really excited about this season with this team, because the guys are really nice and down to earth, and I feel like it is just going to be great!  I then proceeded to go to bed at like 9:30 so I could get up in time to ride on saturday ;)  I also got my Aeropress and Operation Beautiful.  The aeropress is really hard to explain, but basically it is a totally new way of brewing coffee.  It is similar in volume to an espresso (3-4 oz) but is filtered with paper instead of metal, and is extracted under less pressure.  The result I find is a very smooth cup of coffee, and you can adjust it with extra hot water to taste.  Here is a pic:

And, I just HAD to buy Operation Beautiful once I heard that the wonderful Rebecca was in it!!!!  So, it came in my shipment from amazon with the coffee stuff and I just started reading it, and so far it is SO GOOD!!  I read the blog, but I didn't know how they would make it into a book, but let me tell you that it is great!  

Saturday:  I woke up at 5:00 to ride to the ride that started at 6:00.  I ate a bowl of muesli (overnight oats) and had some coffee (while still half asleep), got dressed, and headed out to the ride.  The ride was, again, great :]  I couldn't tell you where I went, because I just follow the crowd and I have no idea whatsoever!  I do know that we were at a place called the towers, but I don't know where that was ;]  Regardless of where we were, it was a good ride, yet challenging.  I am still not used to the hills here, it is a big change from the Indiana pancake.  Then we went out to Tee Pee Mexican restaurant here that is supposed to be famous, but it wasn't all that special I didn't think.  And the rest of that night was the Barista Jam, which I pinky promise I will share with you as soon as I get the pictures ;)

Sunday:  Today I rode again with a smaller group made up of mostly teammates.  It was a rather hilly ride again, and it was SO humid cause it stormed last night.  I did pretty well though, didn't get lost, and got home so all is well :)  again, all the teammates are just so nice, I really feel like I am in the right place in that regard.  I also got to talk to Pascal and some other friends from Germany!!  The 9 hour time difference is just awful, it is so hard to talk to them :/  Then we went to IKEA, which was nice, but that store is just TOO BIG!  I get so frustrated sometimes...  Then we went out to dinner (too hot to cook, didn't want to heat up the kitchen) and I had a grilled chicken sub.  It was so good!  And I tried some of my dad's roast beef and it was great too.  And now we are home, about to watch some tv, and then go to bed for school tomorrow!

Have a magnificent monday!!!



  1. scott!
    thanks for the shoutout :) the book is fantastic and can inspire anyone in any situation.

    glad you had an enjoyable weekend-- here's to the start of a new week!

    take care,

  2. Hey Scott!
    That sounds like such a fun weekend, I'm glad you're doing awesome! I can't WAIT to see the pictures and read all about how it went.

    Hope to hear from ya soon!
    Paola <3
