Today was my interview at Press Coffee!!!! It was my first interview ever, so I was a bit nervous. I think it went pretty well, I had my resume and everything ;) They basically just asked how I would deal with a customer who is dissatisfied, and other customer service things. And of course told me that there is more than just coffee making there, I would have to clean, and wash dishes and stuff too, and work my way up so to speak. But, I am SO SO excited to find out if I got the job!! Enough of that for now, I will have to just let you all know when I know!
But, on that same note, I have a picture of the best espresso I have made on the new machine as of yet! Here is a pic :)
Pretty darn good if I do say so myself!
Oh, and I saw this AMAZING video on Arielle's blog the other day! If you don't read her blog, you really should because it is fantastic :) Tons of advice on recovery and body image and just some great stuff. I guess you could call it a vlog though, cause it is video based... Anyway, here is the video I saw on her blog. It is by a British campaign against negative body image. I think the video could mean different things to different people, but for me I saw it as a lot of people who have recovered from an ED bad mouthing ED for all it has done against them. It is a very powerful video, and I hope you enjoy it!! What do you get out of it??
Well, that is pretty much it for today, I don't have much more news! I may talk to you before then, but on Thursday I get to go to the allergist all day long to see what I am allergic to now that I am here in Phoenix. That means skin tests, allergic reactions, lung capacity tests, and just oodles of fun! But I get to miss school so..... wish me luck!
Have a great week!
I have struggled with anorexia and compulsive exercise for the past few years, and now that I am back to a healthy weight this is my blog to document my new life without my ED.
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Monday, September 27, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
I forgot!!
I totally forgot to tell you all that I have a job interview on Monday!!!! It is at Press coffee shop (yes, the one I applied for in August...) Apparently they tried to call and couldn't reach me, and I kept calling and couldn't get the manager. But, long story short, I am interviewing Monday and I am SO excited!!
Wish me luck! And again, enjoy your weekend :)
Wish me luck! And again, enjoy your weekend :)
Making Progress!
So, I have been brutally reminded that the moving process is in fact a very slow one! But, progress is being made, as is evidenced by the HUGE number of broken down boxes on our front porch!

So, that has been moving along slowly, and in the meantime, I have been enjoying my car! I posted pictures before, but none of me in my car, so here are some my mom took yesterday :)
I also enjoyed this Jar of goodness on Tuesday morning:

There is something else mixed in, but who really cares? Oats+Almond butter=Delicious! Put it IN the jar of almond butter, and it is out of this world! OIAJ!! Although with it comes the tragedy of another jar of nut butter gone ;)
So, school this week was pretty good :) Spirit week is always entertaining ;) I didn't dress up at all, mainly because most all of my clothes are packed away still (at least the ones that are dress up worthy). So, I just watched, but it was quite funny :)
I'll keep this post short and sweet because nothing else really happened! I'm going to leave you with a fortune cookie fortune I got today with dinner. I think it is perfect for anyone with an ED, or with any self image issues at all! Check it out:
SO true :)
So, learn to befriend yourself, because you are all such amazing people! Have a great weekend :)
Sending my best,
So, that has been moving along slowly, and in the meantime, I have been enjoying my car! I posted pictures before, but none of me in my car, so here are some my mom took yesterday :)
I also enjoyed this Jar of goodness on Tuesday morning:
There is something else mixed in, but who really cares? Oats+Almond butter=Delicious! Put it IN the jar of almond butter, and it is out of this world! OIAJ!! Although with it comes the tragedy of another jar of nut butter gone ;)
So, school this week was pretty good :) Spirit week is always entertaining ;) I didn't dress up at all, mainly because most all of my clothes are packed away still (at least the ones that are dress up worthy). So, I just watched, but it was quite funny :)
I'll keep this post short and sweet because nothing else really happened! I'm going to leave you with a fortune cookie fortune I got today with dinner. I think it is perfect for anyone with an ED, or with any self image issues at all! Check it out:
SO true :)
So, learn to befriend yourself, because you are all such amazing people! Have a great weekend :)
Sending my best,
Monday, September 20, 2010
So, I guess I was a bit too optomistic...
Well, I should have known not to promise you more frequent posting because as you can see it just didn't happen :( I am so so sorry my wonderful readers :( But I think I have a pretty good reason: we moved into our house this weekend! So basically, last week I was all preparing the house to move in, and working on stuff to move in etc. Then this weekend, we opened boxes all day long.... but I actually got quite a bit done...
Well, on to other news, school. Well, school has been ok, I mean, I am getting good grades and stuff, and I like my friends there, but some of the classes are just awful. So, that makes school as a whole just kinda feel like it drags me down :( I like my Psychology class, and I like Trigonometry (mainly because my teachers are awesome, especially in Trig) so that is half of my day that is always good.
On the negative side however, is US history and Healthcare Careers. Ok, so the main problem I have with US History is that our teacher teaches us like we are completely below him (ie. no respect)_and it seriously bugs the crap out of me. Just an example for you, every single day when we do the pledge of allegiance, he says "stand up you commies!" Now, I guess that isn't the greatest example, but he is just so rude all the time!!! And it doesn't help matters that he doesn't teach us anything..... And my Healthcare Careers teacher, well she is just crazy. I can't even explain it!
So right now, I am not worried about any classes grade wise, but I just can't wait to get out and away from these horrible teachers I have! Ugh :/ I am looking forward to next semester when I have German and Physics :)
Sorry to be such a downer, I will try my best to rectify that now!
New Espresso machine!!
So, I am quite happy with it thus far. It is a learning process, but I am already making some pretty good espresso with it. :) I just find it so cool that I had grind the coffee, and apply the pressure by hand as well! So hands on!
End of coffee geek rant
That is pretty much all I've got for now! I won't show any picture of the house yet, because it is FULL of boxes ;) And I won't promise anything, but I will try my very best to post more often :)
Have a wonderful next couple of days!
- Set up the tv and stereo with my dad: way harder than it sounds!
- Set up the network and computer, all to find out that the Internet isn't connected to the house yet :/
- brought stuff from the apartment to the house
- set up the pantry :)
- set up the espresso equipment! More on that later ;)
Well, on to other news, school. Well, school has been ok, I mean, I am getting good grades and stuff, and I like my friends there, but some of the classes are just awful. So, that makes school as a whole just kinda feel like it drags me down :( I like my Psychology class, and I like Trigonometry (mainly because my teachers are awesome, especially in Trig) so that is half of my day that is always good.
On the negative side however, is US history and Healthcare Careers. Ok, so the main problem I have with US History is that our teacher teaches us like we are completely below him (ie. no respect)_and it seriously bugs the crap out of me. Just an example for you, every single day when we do the pledge of allegiance, he says "stand up you commies!" Now, I guess that isn't the greatest example, but he is just so rude all the time!!! And it doesn't help matters that he doesn't teach us anything..... And my Healthcare Careers teacher, well she is just crazy. I can't even explain it!
So right now, I am not worried about any classes grade wise, but I just can't wait to get out and away from these horrible teachers I have! Ugh :/ I am looking forward to next semester when I have German and Physics :)
Sorry to be such a downer, I will try my best to rectify that now!
New Espresso machine!!
here she is! With my hand grinder and brand new tamper :) |
I like this shot! It is SOOO shiny! And the tamper again :) |
and because my mom is absolutely fantastic, Gaggia with her big sister!! |
So, I am quite happy with it thus far. It is a learning process, but I am already making some pretty good espresso with it. :) I just find it so cool that I had grind the coffee, and apply the pressure by hand as well! So hands on!
End of coffee geek rant
That is pretty much all I've got for now! I won't show any picture of the house yet, because it is FULL of boxes ;) And I won't promise anything, but I will try my very best to post more often :)
Have a wonderful next couple of days!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Lack of posting, but GREAT NEWS!!!!!
I am so so sorry for my lack of postage, I have missed you all and your wonderful comments :/

There she is! It is a Gaggia Factory, and I am already producing great shots! It has a learning curve, but I am really happy with how well I am doing with it right out of the box! Sorry for the bad photo, I couldn't get the pic off of my camera so I took this with my phone. Better glamour shots and pics of drinks to come!!
Yep, you read right, I got a CAR!!!!! Guess what it is... A SMART car!!! So I found it on craigslist on Friday, and it looked great from the get go. It had only 4,000 miles, it is a 2008 model, and a convertible! So, I looked up reviews, and they looked good so we went and test drove it saturday afternoon. It drove REALLY well, and i just loved it! So we talked about financing and stuff (my parents and I) and decided I would buy it! I calculated monthly payments and I think i can afford them with my upcoming (hopefully) job at Press Coffee. (knock on wood!) So, here are the pics from the previous owner. I will be picking it up tonight, I am SO excited!
But.. I have been having a great time and enjoying life!! Everything is going awesome :) And here are just two of the reasons why:
Espresso machine!

There she is! It is a Gaggia Factory, and I am already producing great shots! It has a learning curve, but I am really happy with how well I am doing with it right out of the box! Sorry for the bad photo, I couldn't get the pic off of my camera so I took this with my phone. Better glamour shots and pics of drinks to come!!
Yep, you read right, I got a CAR!!!!! Guess what it is... A SMART car!!! So I found it on craigslist on Friday, and it looked great from the get go. It had only 4,000 miles, it is a 2008 model, and a convertible! So, I looked up reviews, and they looked good so we went and test drove it saturday afternoon. It drove REALLY well, and i just loved it! So we talked about financing and stuff (my parents and I) and decided I would buy it! I calculated monthly payments and I think i can afford them with my upcoming (hopefully) job at Press Coffee. (knock on wood!) So, here are the pics from the previous owner. I will be picking it up tonight, I am SO excited!
the inside, suprisingly big for such a teeny tiny car! |
Again, not the best pictures, but you get the idea ;) I am SUPER excited =D
So, in other news, I am just about ready to move into the house!! We get possession this wednesday, and we are moving in next saturday! Finally! It seems like forever! But it will be worth it :)
And, because we are getting quite tired of this apartment kitchen, meals have been good, but simplistic. IE, I haven't wanted to post pictures! Really not all that exciting ;)
I hope you are all having a FANTASTIC start to your week!! I will talk to you soon, I promise this time :)
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Best day EVER!!!
So, today was pretty awesome I must say ;) It all started with some oatmeal...
Sorry, no pic. It was 5:30 in the morning! Great fuel for a ride though, it included a banana and some almond butter. y.u.m!
Then was the ride, and boy was it HOT today! It was like 86 when I left at 6:00 :/ I felt good though, and did my best climbing since I have been out here in Arizona :)
Then I got home, had a toasted bagel with cream cheese, avocado, and ham. It didn't look pretty, but it was tasty! Really, cream cheese and avocado=to die for! Try it...
Then, the highlight of my day, I met up with the wonderful, amazing, fantastic, Annie!!!! We met at LUX, because we both LOVE coffee. It was both of our first blogger meet ups, and I had so much fun! We just sat and talked, and talked, and talked some more :) Bloggers are the most amazing people ever don't you think?? ;) We even got a free latte, cause the barista was cool :] He said "this will be the best latte you have ever had!" and I should have got a picture but I didn't :( Use your imagination;) Thanks so much for a great time Annie!!
So, things are going well at school, I am meeting friends and feeling great :) And, I am so happy because I am bought a new espresso machine! It was on a super sale, and I just couldn't pass it up! Here is a pic of somebody else's that is the same model...
Sorry, no pic. It was 5:30 in the morning! Great fuel for a ride though, it included a banana and some almond butter. y.u.m!
Then was the ride, and boy was it HOT today! It was like 86 when I left at 6:00 :/ I felt good though, and did my best climbing since I have been out here in Arizona :)
Then I got home, had a toasted bagel with cream cheese, avocado, and ham. It didn't look pretty, but it was tasty! Really, cream cheese and avocado=to die for! Try it...
Then, the highlight of my day, I met up with the wonderful, amazing, fantastic, Annie!!!! We met at LUX, because we both LOVE coffee. It was both of our first blogger meet ups, and I had so much fun! We just sat and talked, and talked, and talked some more :) Bloggers are the most amazing people ever don't you think?? ;) We even got a free latte, cause the barista was cool :] He said "this will be the best latte you have ever had!" and I should have got a picture but I didn't :( Use your imagination;) Thanks so much for a great time Annie!!
So, things are going well at school, I am meeting friends and feeling great :) And, I am so happy because I am bought a new espresso machine! It was on a super sale, and I just couldn't pass it up! Here is a pic of somebody else's that is the same model...
Photos are from Home-Barista, a forum I read :)
Doesn't it look like a tin man?? So cute :) It will make delicious espresso as well, I can't wait for it to come. I promise I will share!!
So, I have to go, we are going to go out to eat now, so I am going to have to leave it at that. I hope you all started your 3 day weekend off well, and I hope the rest is fantastic! You deserve a wonderful, fun, relaxing weekend :)
Sending happiness and prayers your way!
Blogger Meet up,
training ride
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