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Thursday, October 14, 2010

First day on the job!

Yep, that's right!  Yesterday was my first day working at Press Coffee!!

Nope, I didn't pour this, but it's pretty right?? (C) Press CFW

So, it was great!  It feels good to finally get working after this long long process!  I learned a LOT on my first day!  I learned how to clean mostly, and clean I did!  A lot of things need cleaning that you wouldn't even think of!  I also learned how to take orders, brew coffee, etc.  It is hard work, but everyone is so nice, and I just enjoy being there!  My goal is to work my way up to being able to work on the espresso machine! 

Tomorrow, I am leaving for my cousin's wedding in Sedona!  I have never been there, but everyone says how beautiful it is, so I think it will be good.  I am not excited about missing my bike ride saturday morning, but I am going to running in Sedona, and i hope to have some beautiful sights!

Well, that is pretty much all I have for you, I made a few interesting food items, but I will put those in another post.  

I hope that you are all having weeks that are just as Beautiful as you are!



  1. Hey Scott!! have a fab time in Sedona! and im so happy the job went well, youll be pulling espressos in no time :)

  2. You are so awesome. Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. hey scott :) working at a coffee shop sounds amazing, im so happy for you. i bet it is a lot of work, coffee orders are very confusing (is it anything like starbucks?) i wish I knew how to make designs in coffee like that. its very pretty. hope you're having a good day. xx Emily

  4. Congratulations :)
    I've never worked in a coffee shop, but I did work in an arena booth for awhile and I loved serving people! I bet the stuff you serve is a bit more nutritious though... it got mentally exhausting looking at deep fried french fries and jumbo hot dogs all day long!
    <3 Tat

  5. Heyy!
    Congrats on starting ur new job Scott! I'm so happy for you! It's awesome that you did great on your first day and that you had a really nice time. You must be so excited! XD

    Hope you have a GREAT time at the wedding in sure to take pictures! ;)


  6. yes have a great time and im so glad your first day went well! soon you'll be a pro;-) xoxoxo
