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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday jan 31

So yesterday went pretty well. I got home from my trainer ride at my coach's house and then I rushed home, took a shower, ate, and drove to my cousin's birthday party, all in under an hour!

When I got there, my sister wasn't feeling too well, so we left about an hour after, which I was kinda happy about, because it was so loud there!

I had a good night yesterday though, my sister and I were home and my parents went out to a party. We just relaxed and watched TV, I read your lovely blog entries :] and I made us some dinner. I don't have a pic of that because my omelet turned out pretty ugly. I flipped it upside down when I put it on my plate :( So I did get a picture of my snack though ;] I had some fage with a mixture of raisins, soy nuts, pumpkin seeds, and granola. I got a pic with a real camera this time! so it looks a lot better ;] I was too lazy to get a new bowl but I got a cute little spoon!

And I snapped a picture of my nut cracker because it is so funny looking. My family says it looks like a torture device ;)

This morning we went to church, and It was such a great eye opening service for me. We talked about god's plan for our lives, and how it may not always be the same plan we have for ourselves. We looked mostly at 2 Samuel 7:18-28

"Then King David went in and sat before the Lord and prayed,
“Who am I, O Sovereign Lord, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far? 19 And now, Sovereign Lord, in addition to everything else, you speak of giving your servant a lasting dynasty! Do you deal with everyone this way, O Sovereign Lord?[c] 20 “What more can I say to you? You know what your servant is really like, Sovereign Lord. 21 Because of your promise and according to your will, you have done all these great things and have made them known to your servant."

This really hit me because I have been worrying about what I want to do with my life as far as careers go. I have been bouncing between the idea of being an engineer, and possibly something in the medical field. I recently got the idea that I may want to be a psychiatrist, or psychologist. I find it so interesting how the mind works, and I am so thankful of what my psychiatrist did for me.

After today's service, I really feel as though god is leading me towards something in the psychology field, and that is why I suffered through my ED. I feel like that is what made me have an interest in this field, and that ED has made me more able to connect with other sufferers. I feel like this would be a very rewarding career because of how many people I would be able to help.

The only thing holding me back is that I want to live in Europe later in life, and engineering seems like the perfect opportunity for that, but I really feel called to work as a psychiatrist.

So I guess this service gave me more questions than answers, but I feel like that is a good thing, so I can think about it and make a better decision.

Hope you are all having a wonderful Saturday!


Saturday, January 30, 2010


Hi all my Bloggie friends! happy saturday!

I got an early start on my blog reading this morning, thanks for your laptop Meagan! (my wonderful sister)

So yesterday went pretty well. After my post last night, I made burgers for the family with caramelized onions and ground sirloin. no pics but the family liked it :]

After dinner, my dad and I went to buy a popcorn popper for my coffee roasting. We went first to bed bath and beyond, and they only had one popper and the design was one that sweet maria's said may catch on I didn't go for that ;) Then my dad asked the salesman if they had any other poppers, because we wanted to roast coffee, and he looked at us like we were insane ;p He was like "is this for a school project, or do you really want to do this?" hahahah

anyway, that didn't go so well, and long story short, we went to walmart (where I saw the Dr. Shole's lady ;p ) and target, and goodwill. Couldn't find it anywhere. buying one today. THANK YOU EBAY!!!

then we went to the grocery to buy a few things, and it is n't our usual grocery, so it was so much fun. I know kinda weird, I love the grocery ;] We found Plain Kefir on sale, so I bought that. Then we were getting fruit and then going to leave, and I found overripe bananas! They were only like $0.20 per lb! I figured I only use them for oatmeal, so I got them and had one today in my oats. Yummiiiii ;]

So overal a pretty good day, and today looks like it will be a good saturday!


Friday, January 29, 2010

So I didn't get a pic but I have to share. I just saw a woman at walmart trying to use the dr sholes foot macine, the one that tells you which insole to buy. She had her shoes on! i almost died laughing :)


Happy Friday everybody!!

First of all I wanted to thank all of you for your warm welcome into the blogging world :] You are so sweet! I can't wait to read your blogs and "meet" you! :]

So, I had a pretty good day yesterday and today. Yesterday in first period, I got back my math test, and I got a 71% :/ I guess this isn't that bad though because our teacher said she got a lot of D's and F's. So I would assume there might be a curve....NOPE. She is like "you have to take this more seriously." and gave a lecture to the whole class about it. I "strongly dislike" her ;]

Then in second period, my health class was doing a skit. I was with 5 other people, and I took thye script home on tuesday to copy it for yesterday. (we have a block schedule, each class every other day) I realized on my way to second period that I had left my folder by the copy machine at home when I copied the script :0 So I quickly texted my dad and he brought it to school and saved the day! Love you dad!!

So that was pretty much my day yesterday. I got home from school, went to my winter training spin class workout thingy and felt ok, then went home, studied, and relaxed.

on to today, I took Rachael's suggestion of frozen berry oats! Here is a pic. Sorry it is from my phone, I was rushed this morning ;]

Then this morning, I was in IED (intro to engineering and design) and all the computers froze! so our teacher just sat there and played youtube videos for us :]

Then we had a meeting about psat scores and college, and it was suprisingly not too boring

Seventh period I had a Chemistry test, and I think it went pretty well, but I hate it when I don't know for sure. I am not too woried though.

It is freezing here! It was only 11 degrees when I woke up...brrrrrrrr So I am not expecting a ride outside tomorrow

then I got home, had this Macchiatto, went to the alergist and here I am now!

Hope you all had/are having a great friday and have something fun planned for the weekend
P.S. sorry about the pics, but I am still getting used to inserting them!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Today went FAST!

Today we had a late start at school, so I got my chemistry homework done before school....all to find out the experiment I used to collect the data was flawed :( Oh well, it is just more practice I suppose! ;]

so the rest of my day went pretty smoothly. I FINALLY convinced my dad to let me roast my own coffee at home. I bought my "green" unroasted beans at and I am going to roast them with a popcorn popper! I know crazy... but hey, can't knock it till you try it ;]

Just got through a bit of my blog reading for today, and I wanted to thank my new friend Becca for the shoutout and the great article on our culture's body image issues. I read my new friend lexi's post over on her blog about the breakfast challenge, where you take suggestions on breakfast ingredients and I thought I would partake. I am getting in a bit of a peanut butter banana oat rut ;]

So what do you guys think I should include in my breakfast? Just leave a comment and I will let you know how it goes!

Hopefully a better post tomorrow, today seemed to get away from me!

Have a great last half of your week! We are half way through!


Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday 25 Jan 2010

So today I saw on the news that it is considered the most depressing day of the year. I don't know about you yet (I'll find out in a few minutes when I read your posts!), but I had a pretty good day!

School was pretty uneventful, but I got home, went to the allergist for shots, and then I made this Beautiful cappuccino. My first ever Rosetta! For those of you who are more normal and not coffee freaks like me, a rosetta is the tree like shape made when I pour the milk right. Finally got some more whole milk and it is so much better TAKE THAT ED :]

So I was SO excited and it was soooo yummy!

Dinner was ok, my mom bought a chicken from the grocery and had some prepared mashed potatoes, which ED hated, and told me they were gross, but I still ate a bit.

Can't wait to read about your days!

have a great day tomorrow!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Overnight at the church

Yesterday I had an overnight with my small group and a couple of other groups last night, as I posted last night. It went pretty well, but I was SOOO tired. I was going nonstop from like 11:30 am until 11:00 that night. I went on a bike ride, then went to church to work at the cafe, then I ate dinner, and went back to church. Long day! I was so worn out, so I went to bed just after midnight. I know I am such a boring person ;] So anyway, I felt a bit weird because they ordered pizza at 9:30, and I didn't want pizza, so I didn't eat it. Then a few guys were like "why aren't you eating?" I had planned ahead, and for dinner my parents wanted to go to Skyline Chili, so I went with them, and got a salad there. I got home and had some more to eat because I knew I wouldn't have a night snack. So I had some yogurt.

Then I get to the overnight, and I don't know what it is about teenage guys, but apparently everyone drinks regular soda? Now I don't drink soda, even diet, because it bothers my acid reflux, but I think it was a bit odd.

Anyways, long story short, I brought some bars with me so I had a key lime pie Larabar around 10:30. It felt kinda weird to be eating that late, but I dealt with it.

So, all in all a great night of just relaxing and hanging out with friends. I feel like I am getting a bit better about eating at social events like this, but I still have a long way to go.

Have a GREAT Sunday!


Saturday, January 23, 2010

The new machine is in!!! I got to work the machine for about an hour, and some there are a few problems but not bad. then I sm going along and all of a sudden, the grinder breaks!! everything that can go wrong to this cafe is!! anyways, I am at an overnighter at church so this will be a short post. I will tell you more when I get home tomorrow!! have a great night

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Hi all! I am SOOO happy today, we havea 2 hour delay from ice. Anyway; quick post this morning becausr I have a busy day. School and then spin class. I can't wait! The only bad thing about a delay at school is I have to eat lunch in like an hour :( I will live you witha picture of this mornings 's cappuccino. I had time to warm up the machine with the delay this morning:) Talk to you later, and I hope you all have a GREATday!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So I am posting from my phone again. I am waiting for my spin class(the oneI talked about last thursday) to start. I had a decent day today, but it is tough to go back to school after a long weeknd:( Well anyways, wanyed to tell you about friday. I can't remember if I have blogged since then.??? So I think school day blog reading, I got my phone taken away on friday, and came pretty close today! So I will sadly have to wait until I get home to read all your wonderful words! :( How were all of your days?

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Another ride and Coffee replenishment :)

I got to go on another ride today, this time with my family. It was so wet out I am going to have to clean my bike now BIG TIME :( Oh well, it was nice to get outside. Anyways, we went to a cafe and I got some coffee to replenish my stash! You should have seen me with two bags of coffee on my back under my jacket, it was priceless.

So yesterday I went to church and they had a servicefor the earthquake in Haiti. It is so bad there I can not even imagine... We heard from some missionaries that were there before the earthquake, about 2 months ago, and how bad it was before, let alone after...

On a lighter note, I worked in the cafe as well and the new espresso machine will be there for next weekend! I can't wait to try it out!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

out of coffee

so I just went to make myself an espresso and I realized that...I AM OUT OF COFFEE :o

I don't think I have ever professed my love for coffee on the blog before so here it is. I grew up in Seattle so I think that is where my coffee interest began. I went back to visit over the summer and I became even more obsessed :) anyways, here are a few pictures of my inspiration

cappuccino at Cafe Vita in Seattle

and my poor attemt, in a macchiatto ( a little bit of milk on an espresso)

What are some of your other hobbies?

Riding outside... FINALLY

So I finally got a ride in outside, the first one of 2010! I got a good 40 miles in with my coach and another teamate. It felt so nice to get outside and enjoy the warmer weather :)

How is the weather where you are?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Time Trial!!!

So I have been doing a training class at the local bike shop and today was our time trial to establish a baseline. Here are my results for the 20min time trial.

Average Speed= 19.8mph
Average Power=approx 256 watts
Average Heart rate=182bpm
Distance=6.59 miles

Max Speed=22.8mph
Max Power=352 watts
Max Heart rate=192bpm

I am pretty happy with the results and hopefully will see an improvement by the end of the eight week session.

What have you done lately that has made you proud?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Continually amazed...

I continue to be amazed with what God does in my life. He always knows exactly what I need and when I need it, even when I have no idea.
Today I was planning to go to a winter training class I go to twice a week starting last week on Monday and Wednesday for cycling. I called to see if they had other times open, and it turns out, they had an opening for Tuesday and Thursday, so I took that so I could go to church.
The reason this was so amazing was because of the message at church tonight. The whole service was about self image and how we perceive ourselves. The focus was on the fact that we are not what we are because of what we did, but rather what God did. It doesn't matter what our peers or others think about us, it is about how we glorify god.
I am so glad I got to go to church tonight, because when I was singing, I realized that I was not as far away from ED as I thought I was. I realized that I am still hearing ED voices about "going back down to weight, and that I will be more competitive at a lower weight", and now I realized that none of it really matters anyway! I know I knew this before, but this made me really GET it.
I am so thankful that god knows exactly what I need and fulfills me.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So I am stuck in the line at the post office waiting to apply for a passport and the line is MASSIVE!!! I am also rushing so I can get to the alergist before 6 , so wish me luck. who would have known it is SOOO hard to go on vacation!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

So, I am getting used to posting pictures YAY!! I finally put up a profile picture of me with my sister...


So I FINALLY got some pictures of the dog to share with you. Here is one of my new dog Gretchen all alone, isn't she cute!? You can even see her colts name tag!

And here is another one of all three of my dogs in their Christmas attire!

From left to right, it is Haley (6), Mini (12) and Gretchen(2)

And finally, one last pic of Haley I took a while ago, she is SOOO photogenic :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

So I am finally posting again, and I am sooooo sorry for not being able to post comments on any of your blogs:( i have been reading, but with limited computer time, most of it is from my phone which is nearly impossible to post comments with. It is not as hard to post a post to my own blog, so that is what I am doing now. I had a great break from school and a wonderful Christmas and new years. I am so excited and looking forward to an entire new year without ED and self guilt. It feels so liberating and I can't wait for racing season to start:)