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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Continually amazed...

I continue to be amazed with what God does in my life. He always knows exactly what I need and when I need it, even when I have no idea.
Today I was planning to go to a winter training class I go to twice a week starting last week on Monday and Wednesday for cycling. I called to see if they had other times open, and it turns out, they had an opening for Tuesday and Thursday, so I took that so I could go to church.
The reason this was so amazing was because of the message at church tonight. The whole service was about self image and how we perceive ourselves. The focus was on the fact that we are not what we are because of what we did, but rather what God did. It doesn't matter what our peers or others think about us, it is about how we glorify god.
I am so glad I got to go to church tonight, because when I was singing, I realized that I was not as far away from ED as I thought I was. I realized that I am still hearing ED voices about "going back down to weight, and that I will be more competitive at a lower weight", and now I realized that none of it really matters anyway! I know I knew this before, but this made me really GET it.
I am so thankful that god knows exactly what I need and fulfills me.

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