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Thursday, January 21, 2010


Hi all! I am SOOO happy today, we havea 2 hour delay from ice. Anyway; quick post this morning becausr I have a busy day. School and then spin class. I can't wait! The only bad thing about a delay at school is I have to eat lunch in like an hour :( I will live you witha picture of this mornings 's cappuccino. I had time to warm up the machine with the delay this morning:) Talk to you later, and I hope you all have a GREATday!!!


  1. hey just stumbled across your blog and i think it's wonderful that you're speaking up about recovering from an ED. it's sad how many guys don't talk about having an ED, there are so many who suffer in silence! i think you're a great role model :) looking forward to reading more of your blog!

  2. Hi, and thanks for the comment :]

    I agree, it is a real problem because so many people think of having an ED as not being an issue for guys, but that is so not true. I hope that more guys will realize that it is NEEDED to speak about it to make recovery a reality.

    Hope you enjoy the blog!

