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Saturday, January 30, 2010


Hi all my Bloggie friends! happy saturday!

I got an early start on my blog reading this morning, thanks for your laptop Meagan! (my wonderful sister)

So yesterday went pretty well. After my post last night, I made burgers for the family with caramelized onions and ground sirloin. no pics but the family liked it :]

After dinner, my dad and I went to buy a popcorn popper for my coffee roasting. We went first to bed bath and beyond, and they only had one popper and the design was one that sweet maria's said may catch on I didn't go for that ;) Then my dad asked the salesman if they had any other poppers, because we wanted to roast coffee, and he looked at us like we were insane ;p He was like "is this for a school project, or do you really want to do this?" hahahah

anyway, that didn't go so well, and long story short, we went to walmart (where I saw the Dr. Shole's lady ;p ) and target, and goodwill. Couldn't find it anywhere. buying one today. THANK YOU EBAY!!!

then we went to the grocery to buy a few things, and it is n't our usual grocery, so it was so much fun. I know kinda weird, I love the grocery ;] We found Plain Kefir on sale, so I bought that. Then we were getting fruit and then going to leave, and I found overripe bananas! They were only like $0.20 per lb! I figured I only use them for oatmeal, so I got them and had one today in my oats. Yummiiiii ;]

So overal a pretty good day, and today looks like it will be a good saturday!



  1. Hey Scott - thanks for the message today - i too love quinoa but never tried it for breakfast - interesting!!!! Love bananas - the overripe ones are great for smoothies or even as "banana soft serve" - just freeze and then throw in blender with some almond milk - delicious!!!
    Have a great Saturday - aimee

  2. Hey Scott thanks for your sweet comment, it made me smile. ;) Sounds like you went on quite the quest trying to find that popper. Once you get it the coffee better taste darn good after all the effort you put into finding it! While the drink may not have tasted very good, flaming coffee beans would definitely be an exciting way to start your morning!


  3. love overripe bananas! :) and have to try kefir! my mom like loves it ;)
    love the story of you at the store and trying to buy the popcorn popper :D but yes! EBAY is a life saver!

    love reading your blog, your amazing,

    <3 maya

  4. thanks for all the sweet comments, you are all so nice!

    Rachael, can't wait to hear about how the test goes today! And I agree that flaming coffee would be pretty interesting, but my mom already complains about the coffee grinds on the counter, so she wouldn't like fire ;]

    and maya, you NEED to try kefir, it is so great, especially with museili. It is really tangy, like liquid yogurt!

  5. Hey Scott!
    Thanks for your amazing support on my post, you're tha best! P And omgosh ebay is MY LIFE!!! I but so much from there lol, and over ripe bananas are my favorite, they are so much sweeter yumz! I actually just had one that's so funy.
    Never tried kefir, I shall look for it though!
    Glad you had a great day, and hope your weekend is wonderful Scott! You're truly an inspiration to me

  6. hey scott :)
    that is so cool about the popcorn maker for coffee! you always make such cool coffee, love it! :)
    and 20 cents for bananas ;) score! love overripe bananas perfect for oatmeal! and kafir, that stuff is so good!

    hope you are having a great sunday
