That ^^ was a cappuccino from a couple days ago I forgot to post. Isn't she pretty? ;]
OK now, a little confession here: I haven't gotten to read any blogs yesterday or today :o I miss you all and I can't wait to read tonight!! So, the reason why... well here was my last two days...
ok. I posted saturday afternoon about my race, which went well. I found out Sunday morning that I won the junior division! :D I am so happy! I didn't know because we raced with the men so I didn't know where I finished compared to the other kids, but I won! End of boasting, sorry about that :(
Ok, then yesterday was Mothers day. I LOVE you Mom!! I really couldn't have made it through this year without you. So we celebrated by going to church and then lunch. I don't know why, but ED has been popping up in my life a little bit more lately. I don't like it. I guess it must be the stress about not knowing about the housing and stuff and the being away from home... it is a lot of stress. But it has got to stop! I have worked too hard to get here and I am not going to let myself slide back down the mountain. I can't. End of story. Keep me responsible please :]
So, as I said I was struggling a bit yesterday. I didn't eat enough for lunch, I had a great salad but not enough carbs. Then at night we went to my aunt and uncles and didn't want anything they had for dinner. By the time I was hungry, the food was put away.
When I got home, I felt bad and I knew i needed to make up for my lack of nutrition through the day, so I had a snackie :] I had an unpictured pb and honey sandwich with this: a mixture of pudding and greek yogurt.


and after mixing!
I added some cereal and nuts and it was great!!
On to today. I woke up at 3:00 AM to leave for Phoenix. You know how flights are, so I won't bore you, but we got here. An hour late, but we are here ;) And I get to see my Dad!!! We had such a busy day today! We went out to eat at souper salad, and it was really good! This was the first time I ate there, and I will have to go back again! I got some vegetable soup, random salad, cornbread, and a baked sweet potato! <3
Then we visited our new house! It is so nice, yet so different from our current house. It has totally different architecture, and it is a bit smaller with different design and I will just have to share some pictures!
Then we visited the school, which was nice. It is really hard to beat the school I am at now though... more on that later...
I am off to pick dad up from work, so I will talk to you later, but I will leave you with a few more pictures...

Breakfast Sunday morning... pb banana oats with mom :]

a bag of potatoes my grandma found under the cabinent. Yes, they are growing something. No, I don[t know how old they are. And Yes, it IS gross!!

We found locally roasted coffee in the airport this morning in Dayton OH. At about 4:45 in the morning!!

a cactus by our community center at the new house. They are so cool, don't they look like they are dying?!?! And my dad says these type are like 200 years old!!
Well, I am off to read your blogs until I have to leave! Talk to you later, have a great tuesday!!
That cappucino was meant to send you love <3 aren't spontaneous things like heart shaped froth on coffee delightful?
ReplyDeleteScott! I totally do hold you accountable, you do need to keep defying Ed!! You are right- there is no turning back now. It isn't an option! For your life, health, and happiness you must continue forward.
Viel Spaß mit dein Vater! Be strong.
ReplyDeleteDayton OH is like 45 minutes from my house! haha!
That cappucino looks super yum. congrats on winning the junior division that is wonderfulll! I've missed reading about ya, sounds like you are doing great I'm thinking of you! haben eine tolle Woche! ;)
:D Great job winnning the race!!!!! that is awesome!!!! :) And keep working at fighting ED. I know how you feel, I am guessing the stress is making you feel like you need something to control! But I believe you are strong and you have the ONE on your side, and He will help you the most, so lean on Him!!! I cant wait to hear more about Arizona, I am SUPER busy, but we WILL find time to skype eventually! Have a wonderful week! :)
Hi there Scott - that cup of cappucino looks delicious - looks too good to drink!!!! Love the yogurt and pudding - ill have to try that - Glad u are doing well!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxo aim
ReplyDeleteall those food pics look soooo yummy!! *die* especially the cappucino! YUMMMMMMMM!!!!
ReplyDeleteAMAZING JOB WITH THE RACE!!!! you're awesome!!!! Keep working hard Scott, i'm proud of you and you're so inspiring!!!
-A <3
Your cappuccinos are so cool looking. I love coffee and I REALLY want a french press. =]
ReplyDeleteOmg...rotting potatoes are the worst and they smell SO BAD. You should plant them. They'd probably grow a lot and you'd have organic home-grown potatoes! lol. I'm not a big potato fan, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE sweet potatoes!
It sucks that you've been struggling lately. ED has been whispering in my head a lot lately but I feel like I'm doing a good job of keeping him out. I know I'm probs not getting enough calories every day, but I'm maintaining at "that certain number". It's probably time for an increase though.
You're so lucky to be in Pheonix! I can only imagine how wonderful the weather it's been REALLY cold. In the 40's, and rainy. Although I love thunder storms, I HATE 40-degree weather in may. I don't get why it was 80 in March, and now it's only half of that and it's 3 weeks away from summer.
Oh the ways of nature...
Have a great week!
oh wow, that pudding mess looks heavenly! glad that you made a good decision in the food department and opted to have something when you realized your intake had been inadequate for the day...yay! don't feel bad about not making your way around the blogs...i haven't been reading consistently for like 2 months bc sometimes LIFE just comes first right?!!! i love your coffee pic btw