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Thursday, May 20, 2010


I want to thank you all so much for all of your comments.  They mean so much to me and keep me going day in and day out.  I really can not thank you enough.  I will try though ;)  Thank You! Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!...........!!!!!!!!!

Soooo today pretty much sucked up until about an hour ago.  I have to vent so here ya go.  I will try to keep it short, and I have something positive to say in a minute.  I promise! :]

Where did it go wrong you ask?  Oh about 7 this morning :/  First my mom can't get her car started to go to work, so she takes the other one.  No biggie, I was going to ride the bus anyway.  I get to school and go to engineering class.  We are doing this project where we make custom lego parts on the computer that will fit onto regular legos.  We have to make a vehicle of some type.  Then we get to print them on the 3D printer!  Cool right?!?!  In theory...

Dimensioning lego pieces is first and foremost a pain in the ###!  And it is crucial when you make custom pieces, otherwise they won't fit the standard ones.  The real problem came today, when my part came out of the printer.  You see, the parts are built on top of another plastic as a support, and the parts themselves are made out of PVC plastic type stuff.  I got my piece today and was trying to break off the extra support material, and my door completely broke.  And then it broke again. And again. :/  Apparently the plastic isn't as strong as I thought.  I made the doors .025 in thick, which wasn't enough I guess.  I asked him if I could print it again after I made it thicker.  He said we would have to see if he has time.  What?!?!?  Ugh, now our whole project is up in the air and we have been working on it for like 6 weeks :/

Then in the last period today I had to turn in this book project we have been working on for the past few weeks.  It is a group project, so as my luck seemed to be going today, one of our members didn't bring any of his stuff in.  Great.  Then when I get the grade back I find out that I got a 10/15 (67%) on my book review.  Mind you, this is the same grade that my group member got when he wrote the review, all two paragraphs of it, right before class.  I had a whole page and it was well written so I went up to him to ask what was up.  He looked at me and told me it had to be typed.  NOTHING in the instructions said that, so I asked him "did it say anything about that"  and he is like "no, but everything has to be typed now"  WHAT!?!?!  News to me!!  And mind you, I am a good student and am pretty good at knowing what's going on...  I guess my teachers like to make up rules they never told us about...

I was looking forward to getting out to go on a ride to just get a break from all this school crap, so I went home, figured out what was wrong with the car, and got ready to drive up to pick my mom up.  Then, it rained.  And it rained more.  And more.  So no riding for me.  perfect especially when Tuesday we didn't go because it looked like it was going to rain, and it didn't!  I am so sick of this stupid weather!  Arizona, here I come!!!!!!

I promised a positive to this post, and I am a man of my word ;)  Here it is: Right now I am saying screw it. (Thanks Ellie!!)  Because you know what?  It doesn't really matter.  I have so much else I have to be thankful for!  I need to try to focus on that more, I really do.  And now I get to read your blogs and contemplate all of your deep and interesting thoughts, and get caught up on your days (which were hopefully better than mine!).  I am off to do that right now...

Have a fantabulous friday okay??  You all deserve it so much, you are brilliant!!



  1. Ahh, don't you hate days like that, when nothing seems to go right? Well, on the brighter side, you have a good attitude. Hey, maybe tomorrow you will be at the top of your biorythymn. Things are always changing, right? Hopefully for the better now :) Keep trekking on!!

  2. Sorry to hear you had such a bad day but I totally loved your attitude!!!! Im sure this will be the beginning of a great weekend - hopefully the weather will be perfect for a ride!!!!!!!! Have a great Friday - hope things get better and keep smiling!!! lol aimee

  3. I'm sorry to hear you had a bad day, Scott, especially because of some stupid stuff that happened at school. A screw it attitude is a great way to turn things around, though, because you're absolutely right... there's so much to be thankful for

  4. what a day! Glad the "screw it" is helping- really throws in a little perspective, but also...totally okay to vent. I'd be mad at that teacher too. And the Lego stuff? YIKES. But really, in the grand scheme of things...not important. Step back and just laugh to yourself. And give your mom a hug :)

  5. i'm sorry you had such a rough day scott! but it seems like you are dealing with it in a very mature, non-destructive way :] way to go! stay strong

  6. Scott! First off, I want to say thank you. Thank you so much for all the support that you have been offering. I feel so unloyal for how little I comment on your blog compared to you but, as I'm sure you're aware, my life has been a little hectic as of late. But I'm here now and I want to say well done for looking for the positivity in your day. It's so great that you didn't let those things get you down because, you know what? The world isn't going to end because of them. In fact, tomorrow, it won't even matter. I understand that some days can be frustrating but isn't it so relieving when you can realise that there are so many things that we should be grateful for?

    Happy Weekend :)
