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Friday, April 30, 2010

The end of a long week...

WOW has it been a long week!!  I wish I could say that I have a boatload of pictures to share with you, but I don't :(  I am so sorry!!  I really must get back to a regular nightly posting routine because I absolutely love it!!  Your comments brighten my day and I just don't want to go without that.  So I am going to try next week to do my best to post more than only Monday and Friday!!

So, because I have neglected my blog for the entire week, here are a few highlights of my week :]
  • I have been talking to Megan over the past week while she is being admitted to IP.  Such a sweet girl, and she really could use all of your support.
  • I got to ride Tuesday and Thursday on the training ride!!  Ya, it is pretty much the norm, but after this past weekend I was a bit worried!  This weekend looks like it will be a bit better but with a bit of rain still :/
  • School was CRAZY!!  Tests galore and ugh I am so glad to be through with this week!
  • Finished my German project over the Indianapolis 500, in (English and German!) for my exchange trip (I can't wait to see you Pascal, Ich freue mich sehr viel daran!!)
  • Got my skype working again so I was able to talk to my dad in AZ, and I am right now too!!  (I keep missing Maddi!  Darn time difference...)
  • got my Lego project mostly painted for IED (intro to engineering and design)  We are making a School bus with custom parts on a 3D printer!!  I will tell you more when it is finished ;)
So that is pretty much all I did this week.  Insert a bunch of school garbage important school work and you have my week!  Now the fun part, my weekend!

Tomorrow I am planning on racing in the late afternoon as long as it doesn't rain (crosses fingers pleasepleaseplease!) hehe I am going to see my sister on Sunday in her new house on campus!!  She is taking my furniture to put in there because it isn't furnished ;]

I am off to read your posts and try to get caught up!  I will leave you with a random picture I took today...
Can you believe it <-- (I just remembered that symbol, it is called an Interrobang isn't it great‽)  Edible grass for Easter baskets!  And it is from Germany!! 

Have a great Saturday everyone :)


Monday, April 26, 2010

Finally time to blog!!

Wow!  As I said in my last post, I have been so busy!!  First I will fill you in on some of the food I have been eating ;)

Breakfast Saturday morning was oats in a jar of organic pb... with banana

Snack was a chocolate milk with a side of cereal. It has been a long time since I had this, and it was great!

Yesterday was rainy...
From 25

But this lunch warmed up my day!

I made a "tofu pizza sandwich" It had tofu, red bell peppers, provolone cheese, and pizza spices all on a sandwich thin. It was yummy ;)

Made potato pancakes with leftover roast beef for dinner...

Ok, so that was the food highlights :)  Onto the weekend shall we?
Saturday was rainy in the morning, and I had a band competition.  It was SO boring :/  And I rather hate dislike my band teacher, I am not going to go there, I'll just skip over that part of my day sound good? ;)

When I got home, I rode the spin bike (boring) and then went to my (second?) cousin's baseball game

There he is batting!  After this we went over to his parents' (my cousin's) house.  We had dinner there, and it was ok, but I felt a bit weird because they had a lot of prepared salads and stuff like pasta salad and potato salad.  They are a fear food I guess because I don't know what is in them?  I dunno, but I managed and it was fun :)

Sunday, my mom and I went to church and I worked in the cafe second hour.  There were only two of us so it was super busy, especially because it was raining...  We got through the day though.  When I got home, I called T and he came over after I had my "tofu pizza sandwich"  And we played pool and stuff.  My mom made cookies and I ate one too! =D  It was a lot of fun :]

So that was my weekend!  I am looking forward to tomorrow because I will get to ride again.  I didn't get to ride at all this weekend, so this will be the first day since Thursday!!!  hehe I sound like an addict or something ;]  But yeah, I really want to ride...

well, I hope you all have a terrific Tuesday!!


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lack of propper postage

i truly appoligize about my recent absence from the blog world. Between selling our house, buying a new one, and only one computer in the house, it is quite busy! I will post a real post tomorrow with pictures and everything! you have my word!!


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lucie's Bars!!!!

I sure am glad to have arrived at the weekend!!  I have had a crazy week :/

Without further ado, a bar review!!

~so it has been taken me way too long to get a review posted on Lucie's bars :(  But better late than never right?  Here are the first three that I have tried...

First off, a few general things that apply to all the bars:  The texture is very similar to a larabar, but with a bit more chewiness in my opinion.

"Peaches and Cream" 

Ingredients are: Dried peaches, raw cashews, Ghiradelli white chocolate chips, ginger, and nothing else!

I really loved the texture of this bar.  The dried peaches had a really chewy texture that I loved.  The ginger adds a nice bit of zest to it, but it isn't spicy.  It is more of a "hmmm... what is that?" kind of a thing ;)  And the white chocolate chips add to the effect by providing that nice creaminess... yum!

"Strawberry Shortcake"
Ingredients: Dried strawberries, cashews, vanilla extract, and nothing else!  This really does taste like a strawberry shortcake!  I can really taste the vanilla, and I had no Idea you could even buy dried strawberries!!  It really is great. 

"I Like it So What?"
(Sorry, but I can't find a pic or the ingredients of this one)  My favorite!  It sounds weird at first with the balsamic, but trust me it is a fantastic addition.  It brings out the sweetness of all the fruit and it doesn't taste "vinegary" at all.  I guess it adds some sort of a richness?  I can't put my finger on it but is my favorite of the bars I have tried :)  There isn't one predominant flavor so to speak, but all together it tastes fantastic!

Pistachios and Rainbows
 A bar inspired by Maya, how wonderful!  And it is!!  The ingredients are:  Dried cherries, pistachios, rainbow sprinkles, and nothing else! they all pair really well together.  You get the tart sweetness from the cherries and the wonderful pistachio flavor that I cannot describe :)  And the rainbow sprinkles make it look pretty, and they add a nice crunch! 

Don't you love this^^^!?!?!  Read it closely, not the nutrition (even though it is fabulous) but look at the inspiration and motivation on there!!  I love it!!

And to make it all better, all of the profits go to NEDA (National Eating Disorder Association)  to battle eating disorders!!  Talk about a snack with a conscience!   And what's better than buying from a person you know to support a cause with personal meaning to you?!

So check out her Etsy shop.  It looks like she is not selling right now, but you'll wanna be ready when she comes back!!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Do I have a lot to tell you!!

It feels like it has been so long since I blogged!  I think it was last friday!!!

I got some great riding in over the past week or so :)  The weather has been fantastic!

X2 hehe
I can't remember when this was, but I LOVE these things!  Have you ever had them?  They are 100% juice frozen into popsicles!  Such a great idea!!  They are great on a hot day when you come in from outside

Then Saturday, I had a race =D It was awesome!  I did cat 3's because I knew I would have team-mates in that race so I did it instead of the cat 4's.  It was pretty tough, fast, but I stayed with the group the whole time!  There were two crashes in the last two laps, and the last one was with probably less than a km to go, so I just coasted in and made sure my team-mates were ok.  I I happy to say that my team-mates and I made it out unscathed.  It was scary though!!  The first crash wasn't bad, it was just some people got tangled up at the top of the hill.  They were going slow when they went down, so they were all fine.  The last one, not so much :/  The back of a race is always dangerous when you are on the last lap headed for the finish.  I didn't think I could make it to the front of the pack in time, so I sort of slowed up a bit and made sure I had enough room to get around any crashes.  It turns out I needed it!  All of a sudden, I hear a crash, and then this guy flips upside down and starts sliding over the pavement into the dirt on the side of the road.  Mind you, we were probably going 26-30 Mph, so it was a pretty bad crash.  After that I slowed down and made sure my coach (who was racing also) was ok because he was near the front of the pack.  It turns out the guy who crashed hit him when he tried to pass and almost made my coach crash too!!  Scary stuff...  Anyway, here are some pics of the race!!

lined up at the start line

From Scott:recovered
A bit of turning action

and look at this picture of me!! Haha look at my face ;) (I am in the yellow)

Then I got my new phone!!  I love it!  I can do so much of anything you could possibly think of!  There is also a built in GPS and stuff.  There is more than I have even discovered yet!  I also had a great time with my grandma :)  She was so funny :)

Then yesterday and today have been pretty normal at school so lets just get onto the after school stuff shall we??

yesterday's breakfast: OIAJ (oats in a jar) with banana in a DCD jar!

Yesterday after school, I worked on my bike some, but the hi-light of my day wastalking with T on facebook!  I told him about my blog and everything and it was so nice :)  He is the first person outside of family I have told about my ED and it felt so good!!  He was really understanding and nice and all, so thank you T :)

Then tonight, I went out on a training ride and Graham was there again :)  I talked before about how he is just such a nice guy.  It was a great ride tonight, we stayed together as a group of 50+ for the entire 30 miles!  That is really unusual.  It was so much fun though, and Graham led me out (blocks the wind for me to get up to speed then sprint around him right at the end) for the sprint and I almost won :)  It was fun :)

I'll end up with a pic of some lindt extra dark chocolate 80% cacao 

well that is all for me! Have a wonderful Wednesday!!


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Quickie Post

The Good
  • I got a new phone!  The Droid, and let me tell you it is a blogging powerhouse!!  As well of other things of course :)  It saved me from being lost three times today alone!! 
  • Sold the house!!  And I am friends with the kid who bought it!  It is crazy!!!  I can't wait to talk with him...
  • I got to see my grandma
  • I had a great race on Saturday.  I didn't place well, but I felt good and I kept out of the crashes so that is always good :) 
  • Supposed to skype with Maddi tonight
  • I ate this
That would be a hot date with almond butter :)
The Bad

  • I have massive amounts of school work --> stress
  • I miss my dad );
  • House hunting is redic stressful :/
  • I have been so busy I haven't been able to read blogs :(  I really miss you guys and I can't wait to get back on track.  The new phone should help... ;)

The Ugly
  •  I put the screen cover on my phone so badly :(  It makes this awesome phone look not so hot.  I think I might get a new one that is made for the phone specifically so it fits better...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Beautiful Award!! =D

I am SO happy to be back!  I missed blogging so much it is quite sad ;)  I got (mostly) caught up with reading today though!!  And I found out that...

I got the Beautiful Award from spectacular Lucie!!!!!

1) What physical features do you love about yourself?
I love what my body can do for me.  I am constantly amazed by how adaptive and amazing the human body is.  For example, I love my legs because they allow me to bicycle.  I love my eyes because they allow me to see.  I love my ears because they allow me to hear beautiful music.  Get the pattern ;)

2) How do you personally take care of yourself?
I try to nourish my body in the right way as we all do.  I also try to get in adequate exercise while allowing myself to recover as well.  I keep my spirit healthy through going to church, merge, and small group.
3) What are you looking forward to?
I am looking forward to racing this weekend, riding tomorrow, seeing who you all give the award to, LIFE!!

4) Who has aided your recovery the most?
I don't think I  can really say one person helped me the most because everyone helped me so much!  My biggest support came from my family: Meagan, Mom, and Dad.  But there are so many people that have aided my recovery:  My therapist, my nutritionist, everyone.  And all of YOU :) your blogs (and some blogs that are no more) have helped me so much!!

5) What was the very last thing you ate?
Funny you ask, I am eating yogurt with raisins, flax, honey and granola right now! ;)

6) What is one material thing you are dying to have right now?
I am not really dying to have anything, but I guess if I had to choose  it would be a new bike 
 and a new coffee grinder

7) If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
hmmm Anywhere in Europe!  I am going to Germany in the summer, and I would love to go to Italy, Russia, Sweden, all of them!!  And Asian countries and... I guess I just want to travel a lot ;)

8) What is/was your biggest fear food, and how will/did you conquer it?
My biggest fear food was Butter.  I still struggle with it a little bit, I don't like to use a lot, but I can use it :)  I guess I got over it by just eating it.  I know it sounds cliché, but that was kinda it.  I hated it when I was forced to use butter on anything for a long time.  My mom would put it on my bread or on my potatoes and I absolutely hated it (but now I thank her for it so much!)  But after some time I realized that it wasn't evil and it wouldn't kill me etc.  I would be just fine.

9) What are your dreams for after ED?
My dream is just to impact the lives of others in a positive way.  I don't really know how I am going to do that yet, but I am sure it will all work out.  I would LOVE it to be by me being a professional bicycle racer though!

10) What advice would you give to someone concerning eating disorders?
Don't give up.  It is a long journey, but there is an end, we just can't see it some times.  I would also tell them that there is always more support for you than you could ever imagine.  People care for us so much, even when we fail to care for ourselves.  And finally, God has a plan and is with you.  That is the biggest thing, God is with you and will bring you through this.  :)

Unfortunately, I can only pass this award along to ten of you :(  You all deserve it so much!!!  But I guess that is just how these things work  :/

So here it is: I present Devan, Aimee, Ellie, Maddi, Amanda, Alexandra, Alexis, Killian, Stef, and Amanda and YOU!!!  with the Beautiful award because you are all such wonderful, strong people and I love you all :) Post your answers to the questions on your blog and pass it along to 10 more bloggers :)

Have a terrific thursday!!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010


...from blogging :(

I haven't gotten to really read many blogs at all for the past 2 days, let alone comment =(  I am really missing you all!!  Yesterday I went out to dinner with my parents and some friends then didn't get home until late, and today I didn't get home until 9:45 after the ride and dinner.  The restaurant tonight took 2 hours!!  I was kinda angry :/   The ride was good though, and my day today was also pretty good. 

So that is all I have time for tonight :(  I gotta go to bed so I can go to school tomorrow :/  This school thing is really getting in the way!!  I Will read some more before I go to bed though on my phone :)

Hope you all are having and awesome week, and I wish you all a wonderful wednesday!!


Sunday, April 11, 2010

My was that a fast weekend!!  I had a great time :)  But first here are a few photos that I wanted to share on Friday.

Here is Gretchen while she is alert...

and when she is asleep on me! (confession: I slept a bit too!)

And here is a photo that I just had to share!  I took a bite of my hot date 
(Medjool date with peanut butter inside melted to perfection in the micro) and look inside!!


Onto this weekend shall we?  Well I begrudgingly woke up at 6:40 on saturday morning to go on a bike ride with my parents.  We went on the breakfast ride!  It was pretty fun, and Meagan met us there to have breakfast.  She was sort of forced too, because we had a showing in the morning ;)  It was kinda sad though, because it was my dad's last one since he is moving :(  After I got home, I mowed the lawn...

We got home and somebody else was pulling into the driveway for a showing, so we rode around some more.  We ended up having 5 showings yesterday!!!  That is crazy!!!  

I also worked at church, but I made sure I could go to service :)  It was baptism weekend!!  We only had 11 baptisms at our service, but the entire church had over 100 baptisms this weekend!!  It is incredible!  I was so excited too, because I found out that the kid I had helped last year in vacation bible school over the summer was getting baptized.  I did special needs help last year, and I was assigned to E because he has aspergers syndrome (a mild form of autism) and it was so cool to see him get baptized after spending the week with him last summer...

For dinner, we went out for dinner with me, my sister, my parents, and some friends of the family, who happen to also be our realtors! We went out to Stone Creek and it was really good! I got the blackened mahi mahi, and it was cooked perfectly. It had a cilantro aioli with it that I didn't care for, but I guess that might have just been me ;) It also came with veggies and a baked potato.

Oh, I almost forgot! They have the best bread!! It comes fresh out of the oven and omg is it good!

This morning we had a late ride, and I slept in until 8:30! I had banana chocolate oats, and enjoyed them as per the usual. Then I helped my dad pack his car to be transported to Arizona. He decided to ship the car rather than drive it all the way, so now he gets to stay with us longer =D

So, the ride. I decided to ride the mountain bike because it was going to be a slower ride anyways. We had like a "progressive ride" hehe. A group started at a friend's house farther north, then met us at our house and we met another group at another friend's house. We went to Zionsville, and I was expecting to have to get lunch because it was almost noon. But I was happily surprised when I remembered that they only serve breakfast on sundays!! So I ate my second bowl of oatmeal for the day, along with a macchiato. Oatmeal is so versatile!! I had it with raisins and cinnamon. SOO much different than the chocolate bowl of earlier!! And we met friends there that we never even expected to! Fun :)  

We continued riding, and ended up getting 50 miles. Way more than I thought I would get on the mountain bike, but it was fun, and easy enough :)

When I got home, it was 3:00, so I didn't want lunch, but I wanted a hearty snack. A smoothie seemed in order:

frozen mixed fruit, yogurt, milk, whey protein, flax, and maybe something else I can't remember ;p

Here is a closeup on the straw.  Gotta love mickey mouse!!

Dinner tonight was my own concoction of lentils, tofu, and brown rice.  I started with orange and green lentils, and I thought it would be really photogenic, but I guess I was wrong :/

But if I take a photo, I intend to share it!!  I seasoned it with curry powder and cayenne pepper.  I swear it tasted better than it looks ;p

Now I am spending a nice relaxing weekend with my sister Meagan watching TV :]  I am not looking forward to going back to school tomorrow :/  It'll be ok though :)

Have a magnificent Monday!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday 9-April-2010

Disclaimer:  This is going to be a quickie post because my family is mad and doesn't want me to blog tonight :/  We are watching American Idol and they think because I don't want to watch it that I have nervous energy and they just want me to relax.  Whatev...

So, yesterday right?  The main thing we did was ride the Nebo ride that night.  It was fun, but SO cold!  It was 84 degrees on wednesday, then only 45 when we rode thursday evening!  Ouch...  It was okay though.  When I got back from the ride, I tried to drink my ensure plus but it was frozen!!  My mom had frozen it to get it cold, but forgot to take it out  ;)  After the ride, we had dinner with our bike friends because it was the last thursday ride for my dad before he leaves for Scottsdale AZ  :(  When we got there, I went to the bathroom and thawed my ensure under hot water ;)  It worked!!  It was really cold though :/ It was fun, we went to Red Robin and my sister met us there. I got the veggie burger, my usual :)

When I got home, I talked with Maddi again!  It was awesome, and I met her younger sister Naiomi! (I think that is how it is spelled??)  And she got to meet my sister too!  It was a lot of fun :)

No rides today!  I know, surprising, but I needed a day to relax and recover.  So I slept in!  I didn't get up until quarter till 9  :O  It was kinda weird though, because breakfast was so late.  I had banana oats with sunflower seed butter.  Then we just hung out around the house until lunch, and we headed to the bike line to work.  

After work, we went with my cousins and parents to some bbq place.  It was pretty good, I had pulled chicken on rice with spicy sauce on the side.  Then we went out to Maggie Moos and I had a little bit of my dad's low-fat chocolate chip ice cream.

Well, I have pictures to share with you, but they are going to have to wait tomorrow :/  My parents are going to want me back watching tv!

Have a wonderful Saturday!!


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thursday Already!?!?

hello readers! ;]  I hope you are all having a great week!!  Can you believe it is already Thursday?  It is my spring break and it is almost half over :(

Yesterday I woke up early and went on a bike ride with my dad and a friend.  I rode my mountain bike!!  First we drove the van to a repair shop to get the rear brakes done, and rode from the shop.  It was fun, we went to Zionsville for coffee and breakfast (I had a second bowl of oats)  :]  Then we headed back to our friend's work at bike line, and we test rode a bike another friend had there that he is selling.  My dad and I loved it!  It is so smooth over rough road, but also so stiff and transfers power really well.  Now I want to buy it!  We rode home around 10:30 and the car wasn't ready yet so we just went home and had lunch and showered.

After lunch we started to ride back up to the repair shop and it started to rain :/  We were in normal street clothes, not bike clothes, because we were going to drive back over to Bike Line to work after we picked up the car.  Long story short, we rode there and got soaked to the bone :/  Of course that brings along with it road grime and dirt and all around gross!  Then I got to the bike shop and I had forgotten to pack normal shoes!  So I was working in my bike shoes, which have carbon soles (read: SUPER stiff!)  And my feet hurt :(  We finally dried off though and I built a few bikes, so it ended well :)

I had an appointment with my psychologist at 4:00.  We wanted to meet with her (Dr. H) because of how much stress moving and selling the house can bring.  The way we always do it is I go in first and talk about anything I need to and then my parents come in.  It went really well!  We talked about ways to cope with the change of a move and things like that, and how I felt about everything.  I also talked about how I might want to be a psychologist, but I am afraid that it may be a desire not of me, but of my eating disorder.  Dr. H really eased my stress about that, because she pointed out that even in my ED, I never really had a problem with letting other people's problems get to me; or in other words, I feel pressure to be the "caretaker."  She also said how it took her 4 changes in major to figure out what she wanted to do, so it is never too late to change your mind.

We also talked about blogging!  My parents were a bit concerned that I was spending too much time surrounded by ED thoughts and such.  I told them how I really feel like for me the blog community is a support group.  We all help each other through struggles and congratulate each other when we overcome something.  I think it is somewhat like a journal that we share with everybody else, you know?  I am so thankful for all of the help all of you have given me through your comments.  It helps me so much :)  We left the office in a good mood, and my parents now really understand why I blog =D  It was great!

Then last night, I went to church (Merge) and we had a game night because not many people are here with spring break and all.  We played dodge-ball and I got nailed in the face :(  My glasses got all bent and messed up, all from a foam covered ball!!  I don't even know who threw it...  But I got the glasses bent back into shape and I just hung out the rest of the time.  Not the best Merge you could say!

My night was great though!  I Skyped with Maddi and it was awesome!!  She is such a great person and we just talked and talked for a long time about all kinds of stuff :)

That was my Wednesday, pretty good overall I think :)

Today, I had Blueberry plum oatmeal with almond butter.  Yummmmm

We have a showing (of the house) at 11-12:30, so I don't really know what I am going to do today!  I am going to do a training ride later, and it is going to be cold!!  The high today is only in the low 50's, and yesterday it got up to 80 :/  It should be fun though.

I will talk to you all later!!  Have a great Thursday!


Tuesday, April 6, 2010


How do you like the new colors?  My sister said that the coffee beans were hard to read over, so I changed it a nice blue gradient.  I made the space for pictures bigger also.  How do you like?

This morning I had an uninteresting bowl of cereal ( I missed my oats today!)  And headed downtown for breakfast #2 with my dad and a friend.  Our friend shows up with a frankenstein bike at least I call it that ;)  It is a mountain bike frame with a mountain bike rear wheel, and a road front wheel.  It has the weirdest handlebars that are so tiny, and has a hydraulic rear brake!  It was quite funny, but I guess just for bike geeks ;)  I SOOO wished I had ridden my mountain bike because the roads were awful!  So rough...

We went to this really cool bagel shop.  They have SO many sandwiches!!  I ended up just getting a pumpernickel bagel with veggie cream cheese.  It was delish!  And I love this shop/restaurant because everyone knows my dad and friend, because they come in all the time.  I just love it when you go to a place where you can talk to the owners and stuff...

When we got home, we quickly showered and ate lunch.   I had this weird concoction I thought of with chopped ham and onion as a sandwich filling.  It was pretty god, but not great, and uber messy!  Then before we knew it, the mobile vet showed up!  Yep, we have a mobile vet here!!  They just drive up and park in the driveway and give the dogs their shots right there.  It is so much easier and less stressful for the dogs, let alone us!

My dad had to drop off his snow tires to a guy who bought them (no needing those in AZ!!) and went to his dr. appt.  I just read in the lobby.  We got home, and at around 5:15 we left for another ride.  I wanted to do the usual training ride, but we ended up doing this ride my parents wanted to do that we used to do a lot.  Again I wished I had ridden my mountain bike...    It starts at our friends' house and it is ok, but the roads are just awful!!   And some of the people there get on my last nerve!  J.K. is just a total BS'er and I just can't stand it.  He is so competitive and ugh!!  To make things worse, the wind had gusts up to 40mph!!!!  It was crazy, but warm so I'll take that.  But we got home safely and that is all that matters.  We agreed though that we needn't do that ride again!  After the ride, they always have desert and I was a bit nervous about it, because I need food after a ride, but I still have some trouble with "desert" foods.  But my mom prompted me to plan ahead and I packed a mini sandwich and a banana.  I ate that and drank some chocolate milk :)  Did you know that chocolate milk is one of the best recovery drinks??  That is what they tell me... And I'll go with it, it tastes hella good!

So pretty much my day :)  Off to read as many of your posts as I can before I go to bed!!


Monday, April 5, 2010

Hope you all had a great Easter weekend :)

Hello my favourite readers!

I hope you all had a fantastic Easter!  I spent the weekend in Cincinnati with family.  It was pretty fun, but I didn't get to comment on any of your blogs :(  My Grandma doesn't have a computer!  And my chances of getting a wifi signal in a senior community with my sister's laptop are slim to none... So here I am now!  I got to read some of your posts, but I had a busy day today too!  But first I will start with the weekend...

On Saturday, we went on a bike ride.  You know how in my last post I was going through this huge process to decide if I wanted to ride with my team or my family?  Well I ended up riding with my family because it looked like it was going to rain later :/  Then that brought up the decision of which bike to ride.  I wanted to ride the new mountain bike, but I also didn't and ughh!  After a half hour I just chose the singlespeed road bike and went with it. I had fun though and we got home just before the rain got bad! I got home and had this:

Toasted english muffin with
a perfectly poached egg and
cilantro on top of swiss cheese.  

Then it was out the door for me and the family on our way out to Cincinnati. 

We got to my grandma's house, and she was feeling much better, so we were all happy :)  My grandma is so funny!  She goes to the fridge and gets out a regular coke (she is diabetic) and starts drinking it.  My mom asks her why she is drinking regular coke, and she says "I used to be a sugar diabetic"  Ya, she "used" to be diabetic.  Her sugar is around normal now so she wants to drink reg. coke again.  Whatev.  She is 88 years old she can do what she wants!  ;)

She is so funny!  I love her <3

Then we went out to dinner at skyline.  I got their Greek chicken salad and it is always good :)  

Then we went out to the grocery to buy stuff for Easter, and we went into half price books as well.  I had never been in there, but it is amazing!  I got two magazines all for a dollar :)  that was my entertainment for the weekend!  My sister convinced my mom to buy this for her at kroger: 
Hehehehe :)

When I got back to grandma's house, I had greek yogurt with mango chopped up.  I am not really sure I like mango.  It has such a weird flavor don't you think?

On Easter morning, we went to church with my grandma on my mom's side.  Then we went over to my aunt and uncle's house for brunch.  It was kinda redic. because we were supposed to eat at 11:30, but we didn't eat until 12:30!  That side of the family is always slow, never in a rush.  We all have our quarks though!  The brunch was okay,  I ate a lot of the fruit salad we made.  It was so good!  We also had an egg casserole and some french toast.  I had a bit of each.

Then it was on to my dad's brother's to see the other side of the family.  We ate there again, and I had some ham and a roll and some of the vegetables that were there.  It was nice, we got to see my cousins that I haven't seen for quite a while :)  it was a nice time and we all had fun.

Then we drove home, and I slept most of the way ;)  here is a pic of how the dogs liked to lay on me!
From Scott:recovered

Then today, it was such a beautiful morning!!  I slept in until 8:15 and my sister was awake before me *shock!*  I had a breakfast of unpictured oats with strawberry and flax :) 

My sister headed off to classes at around 10:00, so me and my dad went on a bike ride! :)  It was so much fun, just the two of us.  we went to the coffee shop and had a nice lunch together.  It was great!

When we got home, we worked at the bike line for 2 hours, they said they needed help.  We brought mini as a "shop dog!"  She didn't really like it :/  Here is a picture of her on my grandma's couch though  :)

Dinner tonight was whole wheat pasta a la sally :) My mom made a topping for the pasta out of veggies and boca crumbles. It was Great! Thanks mom :)

I saw this when I looked out the window so I just had to take a picture!!

I hope you all had a fantastic Easter!!


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter!

I am about to head out of town and I just wanted to wish you all a happy Easter!!  Hope you all have something fun planned :)


Friday, April 2, 2010


It was seriously hot here today and yesterday!!  We set a record at 82 yesterday and are going to get up to 84 today :)  I am loving this!  Good practice for Arizona no??

Yesterday I went on a bike ride again after finishing my last day of school before spring break!!  Yep it is spring break now =D  The ride was the Nebo ride again, and it was amazing as usual!  ;)  It ended up having like 110 people!  It is crazy!! We started in 4 separate groups so it was manageable though.  And I saw a guy with a new bike with electronic shifting on it (di2)!  I guess I should explain right?  hehe.  well it is shifting, but instead of cables, there are electronic motors that shift.  I don't know if it is that great, but it costs $4,000 just for the shifting!!!!  It was the first bike with it I had seen on the road so I was quite excited ;)  .  The weather was incredible, it was like 75, but the winds were at 17 from the south :/  We started out north, so that was awesome.  we went like 30+ mph with the wind at our backs and it was amazing!  Then we turned south....  It was SOOO windy!  We had a big enough group that we went quite a bit faster than I thought we would in the wind.  stayed with the front of the group up until I got stuck at a street they all crossed because of traffic :(  Oh well, I felt great and it was so much fun!!

Today started out with this bowl of deliciousness.  Oats with a banana whipped in wit Dark chocolate dreams pb and a bit of unsweet cocoa to make it just a tad bit chocolatier!  Yum :)

Then our friend came over who I hadn't seen in ages. We rode over to the coffee shop, and it was great.  A nice easy ride, and it was nice to catch up with our friend again.  I rode his bike for a minute and Oh.  My.  GOSH!!  It is amazing!  It just does exactly what you want it to do when you are riding it.  It's insane...  Here is a pic of what it looks like.

Then I got home and saw that my bars from Lucie arrived!!!!
 (pictured by one of my mom's many Easter decorations!)

I have been waiting forever after she had to resend them.  I swear the postman ate them!  I will let you know when I eat one for sure :)  

Then me and my dad headed up to the bike line to pick up a new mountain bike!  It is called the Kona Kaboom.  what a weird name no?  It is a single speed (one gear) and our friend was selling it for really cheap so we couldn't pass it up.  My mom agreed too, so we went for it :)  I rode it around today and it is so much fun!  It is my first mountain bike so I am excited  :)

well I am off to the Good Friday service at church so I will catch you later!  Hope you are all having a wonderful day today :)
