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Friday, April 30, 2010

The end of a long week...

WOW has it been a long week!!  I wish I could say that I have a boatload of pictures to share with you, but I don't :(  I am so sorry!!  I really must get back to a regular nightly posting routine because I absolutely love it!!  Your comments brighten my day and I just don't want to go without that.  So I am going to try next week to do my best to post more than only Monday and Friday!!

So, because I have neglected my blog for the entire week, here are a few highlights of my week :]
  • I have been talking to Megan over the past week while she is being admitted to IP.  Such a sweet girl, and she really could use all of your support.
  • I got to ride Tuesday and Thursday on the training ride!!  Ya, it is pretty much the norm, but after this past weekend I was a bit worried!  This weekend looks like it will be a bit better but with a bit of rain still :/
  • School was CRAZY!!  Tests galore and ugh I am so glad to be through with this week!
  • Finished my German project over the Indianapolis 500, in (English and German!) for my exchange trip (I can't wait to see you Pascal, Ich freue mich sehr viel daran!!)
  • Got my skype working again so I was able to talk to my dad in AZ, and I am right now too!!  (I keep missing Maddi!  Darn time difference...)
  • got my Lego project mostly painted for IED (intro to engineering and design)  We are making a School bus with custom parts on a 3D printer!!  I will tell you more when it is finished ;)
So that is pretty much all I did this week.  Insert a bunch of school garbage important school work and you have my week!  Now the fun part, my weekend!

Tomorrow I am planning on racing in the late afternoon as long as it doesn't rain (crosses fingers pleasepleaseplease!) hehe I am going to see my sister on Sunday in her new house on campus!!  She is taking my furniture to put in there because it isn't furnished ;]

I am off to read your posts and try to get caught up!  I will leave you with a random picture I took today...
Can you believe it <-- (I just remembered that symbol, it is called an Interrobang isn't it great‽)  Edible grass for Easter baskets!  And it is from Germany!! 

Have a great Saturday everyone :)



  1. Hi there - sounds like u had a crazy week - thank goodness for the weekend!!!!!! Sorry to hear about Megan - ill be praying for her!!!
    have a great weekend - perfect weather for riding!!!!!! xo aimee

  2. Hehe... edible Easter grass? Always count on Europeans to come up with the most random things. I have a Polish heritage and I find some weird stuff when I'm over there as well.

    Sounds like you're having a crazy busy week, but I'm glad to hear that you're doing well :)

  3. :( Megan is in my prayers. I hope we can Skype this weekend!

  4. I totally understand what you mean when you just can't ever find the time to post, sometimes I just can't do it and then others I just keep posting and posting out of boredom. Don't worry, we know you aren't gone for long. I didn't know about Megan before but I'm thinking of her and wishing her well. Glad you had a busy week, the end of a busy week is a signal that you got something done and that's always good. Hope this one is a little more chilled out and we see more of you around :)
