The Good
- I got a new phone! The Droid, and let me tell you it is a blogging powerhouse!! As well of other things of course :) It saved me from being lost three times today alone!!
- Sold the house!! And I am friends with the kid who bought it! It is crazy!!! I can't wait to talk with him...
- I got to see my grandma
- I had a great race on Saturday. I didn't place well, but I felt good and I kept out of the crashes so that is always good :)
- Supposed to skype with Maddi tonight
- I ate this
That would be a hot date with almond butter :)
The Bad
- I have massive amounts of school work --> stress
- I miss my dad );
- House hunting is redic stressful :/
- I have been so busy I haven't been able to read blogs :( I really miss you guys and I can't wait to get back on track. The new phone should help... ;)
The Ugly
- I put the screen cover on my phone so badly :( It makes this awesome phone look not so hot. I think I might get a new one that is made for the phone specifically so it fits better...
haha, great post-simple and right to the point! ;) And we DID get to Skype, even tho it was short and hardly counts, hey, we still did right?? :) Glad there were lots of goods, and i missed your posts! <3
Hi there Scott - can't wait to hear more about the Droid!!!!! Heard its great. I love skyping with friends - its a great way to keep in touch - hope things get less stressful!!!! xo aimee
ReplyDeleteMmm dates with almond butter are delicious.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you're being kept crazy busy, but sometimes that can be a good thing. Hope you have a chance to sit down and relax soon though :)