I have struggled with anorexia and compulsive exercise for the past few years, and now that I am back to a healthy weight this is my blog to document my new life without my ED.
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Sunday, February 28, 2010
German Club Trip!
So yesterday I went with about 20-30 other kids from my school to Staatskongress (German flag colors!! :) It is basically a competition/event for any German student in Indiana who wants to go. I got to school at 7:20 yesterday morning, and was at Ball State University until about 6:00. I had a lot of fun, and I was with my friend Sara most of the day, and we spoke German (most of) the entire day, it was so much fun!
Well, sorry for the short post, but I need to go help my sister with babysitting our cousins. She has had them for the entire weekend!
Talk to you later :]
Thursday, February 25, 2010
I'm BAaCcKk!
So I had a little unintended break from blogging and reading when I realised that my windows 7 trial would be ending the beginning of March (My computer would shut itself off every two hours if I left it as it was) Because I am so cheap ;) I downloaded Ubuntu, a free operating system based on Linux, and am running that now. It took pretty much all of yesterday to set up so I was "off line" for a day. I missed you all so much and I got caught up on most of your posts, but if I missed yours, how are you doing? I can't wait to get back into the swing of things!
Well, onto today's news, I got my collage finished. I guess it isn't really a collage (I wrote all of it) but maybe more of just generic art, or something like that...
Anyway, here it is

To me, it represents all of the thoughts that have helped me through my recovery and inspirational words. I have awful block writing, and cursive isn't great either, but hey it's the thought that counts right? ;]
Here is yesterday morning's breakfast. I made banana oats with dark chocolate dreams PB and some added unsweetened coco powder with a bit of honey drizzled on top with peanuts. Yummy!
My mom is making dinner now, which we call "mush" It is hash browns with veggies and eggs. My sister came up with the name because it kinda looks like mush when it is done :)
I left this on my computer while I went to my band concert and forgot to post! It went pretty well, about as I expected
Have a great Friday!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Tuesday 23 Feb 2010
Promise to make tomorrow a wonderful day and I will too!
Monday, February 22, 2010
NEDA week and Anaphylactic shock

Hello everybody :)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Wash out
I hate it how whenever I make a decision to do anything, I am constantly thinking about how the other decision would have been better. Today, I wish I had gone with my parents riding, but I know that if I did, I would be miserable and wish I had stayed here. I don't know, I guess I am just a really indecisive person.
My macchiatto, isn't it pretty?
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Saturday :)

Tonight was focused on 2 Samuel 22. It talks about how david had so much faith, even intimes of struggle. Our pastor talked about how we can learn to embrace God, evenwhen it feels like he is nowhere to be found in our lives. I will try to get the audio file andpost it, because it was so insightful, and i think it would help anyone struggling with anythingin their lives.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Almost Friday! - 17. Feb. 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Tuesday 16 Feb
And here is a picture of my pathetic dog laying on my dad. She is so modest ;]
On to today... I was hoping for a delayed start to school today, but that wasn't in the cards :/ SO I started my day with a bowl of oats in a jar! I had banana oats in an almost gone jar of Almond Naturally More (next to my Velonews magazine! great article on the American junior progam in Belgium...)
The rest of my day was SOOO fast... Allergy shots, home, change, drive to the bike shop, workout, drive home, shower and eat. It seemed to go that fast too!
So, for dinner was a Kashi Mayan Harvest Bake I didn't take a picture, so here is one from their site ;) I will say that it did look pretty much like that and was delish! I loved the plantains :)
So that is pretty much all for today, but i have church tomorrow and I can't wait to tell you all about it!
Lets make tomorrow a great day :)
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentines Day!
So, not much more to say today, except for GO USA!!! don't you all love the olympics? My favorite events are the speedskating. What are yours?
Saturday, February 13, 2010
So I drove here with my family and my two little cousins. Suprisingly, they were very well behaved! Then we took out both my grandmas to lunch at an italian place. For some reason I was more nervos ordering, but I split a pasta with my mom. They even had whole whea pasta! So I felt a bit guilty about eating all of my half of the dish, because my grandma got the same thing and she coldn't finish it. I know it isn't compareable, so whatev :/ Bottom line is it tasted great and i enjoyed it :) Then we went to a coffee shop and I had an espresso and bought some more green beans. So a good day overall, had a great time with the family :)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Wednesday 10-feb-2010
Today we had a two hour delay at school, so I got a relaxing morning with my dad again! But before I tell you about today, I want to tell you about the funniest thing that happened last night. So I was going to bed after watching 24 (love that show!) and I saw that my neighbor was shoveling her driveway at 10:15 at night, and more snow was coming :0 She is crazy! So I thought hmmm... I got my laser pointer and I pointed it right in front of her shovel and she saw it :0 she looked around like it was an alien, then I ran away laughing and when I came back she was gone ;] Sorry, I guess I was a bit mean, but I couldn't resist, and it was pretty funny!
On to today. As I said, we had a two hour delay, and I had a nice morning :} <-- a new smiley for me! Back to today, I got to school and I was a bit upset because I found out I had to eat lunch at 11:00. This after I ate breakfast at 8:00. What ?! I am proud of myself though, because I dealt with it, and I just moved my snack back to after lunch. It worked well for me. My school day was uneventful, but church was AMAZING! Tonight was about how we are God's work of art. We talked about how God is like the master artist, who already has the picture in his mind before he paints it. He has our lives planned out, the entire thing, and our maturing is us finding out what his plan for us is. This is really comforting to me, because it shows me that there is a reason that we go through everything we go through. Without our experiences in life, we would never be able to fulfill God's plan for our lives. We heard from a man with a chronic nerve disease, and about how it changed his life forever. He talked about how if he had never gotten this disease, he would never be able to connect with god or others the way he does today. Sure, it is a struggle to go through a lot of these things, but without them, we aren't what god wants us to be, and if we aren't that than what are we? It was an awesome message, and I am so extremely happy that I was there to hear it =)
So that was my day :) hope you had a great day as well!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Snow Day!!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Relaxing day
So I woke up at like 7:30 and watched tv and had muesilli. I didn't get a pic because it was kinda ugly. I just made in the last of my yogurt carton ;] Then I made a coffee with my dad (french press today) with the coffee I roasted yesterday. It was pretty good, for a first attemt I think ;]
Tried to ride the trainer (indoor bike) but I wasn't really feelin' it so I stopped. Then I got in a good session of Solar Flow yoga from yoga download
Then ran the espresso machine at church, went to the service (which was about infidelity in mairrage, so not really relevant to me :/ ) and then I came home and had dinner my mom made. Pretty slow and relaxing day, got some homework done so it is all good:]
Hope all of you out there had a GREAT Saturday!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Here is a pic of the beans with the "roaster" A.K.A popcorn popper :)
the green ones are normal beans, and the darker ones are decaf for my mom. They turn a different color from processing.
And here is a pic of the final product
Pretty good for a final first roast no? : ]
Not much in the mood for a food post today, so that is it. Hope you all have a great weekend and stay safe, it is like a blizzard here!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
About my past...
It is hard to really pinpoint when I first started struggling with ED, but looking back, I think it was the spring break of 8th grade year. I used to have a very limited diet of basically junk food. The only vegetables I would eat were corn and carrots. All this changed on this spring break when I went to visit my sister at Purdue (it was her freshman year.) I found so many food possiblities in the food court, and I had started to want to eat more healthfully because I had just started racing my bicycle, and I knew that the best power to weight ratio always wins. So I tried a stir fry there and I loved it, and I guess it just all went downhill from there.
My problems came to a climax when I went on a family vacation in Hilton Head island in South Carolinia. Being with my parents and sister 24/7 they realized something was definatley wrong with me. I was so worried about what food I would eat when out at resturaunts, and all the typical ED stuff.
Shortly after this vacation, my wonderful sister found the name of a psycologist, and pushed my parents to take me there. She was the one person who I consider responsible for starting my recovery, by not taking no for an answer.
Now, looking back on my journey from the other side, it is easy for me to see what happened, but I still struggle to answer the question of where it all started. This year, I have "graduated" from my therapist, with the caution that I must keep an eye on my weight, as ED can come back with a vengence in times of stress.
so now here are a few pretty recent pictures of me, I like to say "The new me"
me and Pascal, my friend and exchange
student from Germany. Can't wait to GO THERE!!!

So now you know more about me, at least what I was. I guess you can find out who I am right along with me! :)
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
I missed national Carrot cake day :(
Anyways, today went smoothly. I had school :/ again, as well as a doctors appt. I guess I will start from the beginning...
I woke up and made some oats with an Asian pear (which I guess is like a blend between an apple and a pear) and Naturally More almond butter. I really need to make some home made nut butters like my new blog friend Killian...
So the beginning of my day was just routine, got to see my &$(#*&% math teacher again today, YAY ME :/ she is just so disrespectful I cannot stand it.
Second period went well. We started talking about how the brain works and it is really fascinating. I was afraid about talking about my ED, but we didn't even discuss disorders today, so I was quite relieved.
Than I went to the doctor, and it took forever but I really like my doctor so it was ok. Anyway, she wants me to keep the "happy pills" at the same dose for another 3 months before she even thinks of backing off at all, which is fine with me because I don't get any side effects.
Dinner was just leftovers, so nothing to share there. Sorry :/ But then I went to church and it was awesome! Today we continued the identity series about discovering who we are. Today was about the fact that we are not our past. I really loved this message, because it reminds me that I am not my ED, I am Scott and I am what God wants me to be. We had a response time after the message, and I hesitated until the very end, but I finally did it. You could go into a room and say to a camera, "I am not (blank)" So I finally went in and said "I am not my eating Disorder" Like I said, I struggled with it, but I feel like it gives me accountability to stay where I am now and not to relapse.
Great day today and only two more to go until the weekend!
Make tomorrow a great one!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
Monday already?
First of all I just wanted to thank all of you sooooooo much for all of your comments. They are always so uplifting and helpful, so thank you so much! :] I am so thankful I have found this blogging community full of all you wonderful people!
Well today went pretty well for me, except it was kinda one of those days where it seemed to go fast while you were there, but you can hardly remember what you did in the morning. Have you had days like that?
So today I had health class, and I don't know if I mentioned it before, but my teacher, Ms. G, is SOOO cool! She is really down to earth and understands teenagers really well. I love it when teachers understand that they need to give you respect to receive it themselves. This is where my math teacher fails, but that is a different story... ;p
Anyways, back to my health class. We didn't do much today because we had a mini test. She did talk to us about what we would be doing on Wednesday, we are discussing mental health. I read thorough the chapter, and It is all about mental illness, and disorders. It includes a section on ED. We always have a discussion in class, and she said she especially wants to discuss this chapter, so I know that will be most of what we do on Wednesday. The reason I am telling you all of this is that I am anxious about sharing my experience with the class. I am not sure if I am ready for that, because I have never told anybody but my immediate family about my ED. I feel like I could contribute a lot to the discussion, but I think it will be hard to speak about. Have any of you shared your experiences about ED with classmates? Do you have any advice?
Well, that was pretty much my day, somewhat boring, but it is what it is!
Sorry, no pics today, feeling a bit lazy and rushed. I really should have gotten a picture of my dinner, it was so colorful. Pasta with mixed veggies and a ton of sauteed carrots. Hopefully I will get a snack pic.
Have a Terrific Tuesday!