Hope you are all having a nice Saturday evening :]
So, this afternoon, I helped my dad with replacing the hoses on our car. We had planned on going on a ride, but the snow ruled that out :/
So the car took way longer than I expected, and before I knew it I had to go up to church to work at the cafe. I arrived and saw to my surprise, a new grinder! :D A brand new mazzer luigi, Love <3

The best espresso I have made at the cafe to date!
So that was my big surprise of the day, and it was good for me :)
Then the church service was amazing. I know it's probably annoying that I say this all the time, but I have recently just loved the services and I feel like I am learning so much!
Tonight was focused on 2 Samuel 22. It talks about how david had so much faith, even intimes of struggle. Our pastor talked about how we can learn to embrace God, evenwhen it feels like he is nowhere to be found in our lives. I will try to get the audio file andpost it, because it was so insightful, and i think it would help anyone struggling with anythingin their lives.
So tomorrow, I plan on riding my bike outside :0 I hope I can remember how ;] I will let you know
Have a wonderful saturday night!
whoa! that looks like such a hard core machine, use it well my friend :). you work at a cafe? nice! i worked at panera for a while but never learned how to make drinks...so when people would order fancy shmancy drinks i'd just improvise. surprisingly nobody ever complained, even though i probably gave them chai tea when they asked for a mocha frap or something haha
ReplyDeleteScott, thank you for stopping by my blog and saying hi :) I think it's great that the church service has been speaking to you lately! I absolutely love it when that happens :)
ReplyDeleteI think struggles and hardships are an important part of life. They're meant to teach us something and God can use them to bring us closer to Him if we're lost. A lot of the time, people end up turning back to God when they're struggling with something, and maybe that's the point :)
Hope you have a great Sunday!