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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Wash out

So, my plans for a ride outdoors this morning were washed out by the rain :/ My parents went, but I figured I might as well ride in the basement instead...

I hate it how whenever I make a decision to do
anything, I am constantly thinking about how the other decision would have been better. Today, I wish I had gone with my parents riding, but I know that if I did, I would be miserable and wish I had stayed here. I don't know, I guess I am just a really indecisive person.

So I rode the bike in the basement, and felt ok, but stopped after about a half an hour because I was tired. Recently, I have not had to deal with ED's condescending voice, but today he came back shouting :( I felt so awful for not being able to ride for longer. I felt like since I had an easier workout yesterday, so I should be able to go harder today. It seems as though once ED gets a word out and I hear it, he just won't shut up! Then I kept feeling like I have gained too much weight and bla bla bla... I resisted the temptation to step on the scale when I went up stairs to get a shower, and had a nice snack of an Asian pair with some cereal and nuts instead :)

Then I sat down with a nice macchiatto with coffee roasted by my dad (thanks dad!) and read all of your wonderful posts and now I feel so much better :D *thanks everybody*
My macchiatto, isn't it pretty?
So that's about it for this morning, no interesting oats so I kinda miss that :( maybe for lunch? And I am going to small group for church today so I can't wait!

Have a great Sunday!


  1. hope you have a great lunch despite that nagging ED voice. i wish you didn't feel bad about the workout, but i understand that all too well. hang in there scott!

  2. I have the same problem with indecision. Even when I finally manage to settle on something, I'm always wondering if the alternative would have been a better choice. I'm trying my best to just go with the flow and focus on the good things about my choice rather than focusing on what I think the good things of the alternative choice would have been. It's been helping :)

    Don't feel bad about the shortened period of exercise, be proud of the fact that you honored your body. If you were tired, your body was sending you signals that you're pushing too hard, and you did great by listening :)

    ... I want that coffee! It sounds amazing.
