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Monday, March 22, 2010


Hello my friends! I missed you! I will start out with a few pics of my bike! I absolutley adore these weels! They have ceramic bearings and they are SO light!! I weighed my bike today and it weighs 16.8 pounds. I figure it is ok to mention bike weight right? ;]

Well, after I posted saturday night, I watched the hangover again with my aunt and uncle and sister. My aunt and uncle had never seen it before, and I think the best part was seeing their reactions! It was hilarious ;]

Then yesterday, I went out to first watch for breakfast. I had an omlette with mushrooms peppers, and salsa. Along with fruit and an english muffin. Yummy!

The ride home was pretty good. I drove my sister and we listened to a book on tape. I don't know the name though :/

So today at school, it was pretty uneventful. I got all my homework done in band (free day!!) so more me time tonight :) German was funny though! This kid in my class wrote on his paper that he would only make his handwriting better whan our student teacher makes hers better (she has illegible handwriting). It was just so funny to see him stand up like that! And then later she asked the question "what did Alex do" about some story we read. He said he didn't know, then finally he said "Sara" The whole class cracked up! I guess you had to be there, but it was funny...

So this afternoon wasn't so great for me :/ I got into an argument with my mom about what to make for dinner. I wanted to make rissotto with scallops and spinach. It has been forever since I have made rissotto! Well, she didn't think that sounded good, she wanted rissotto with as a side with a stir fry, and that didn't sound like a good pairing to me at all. I don't know, but we kept bouncing ideas back and forth and we finally ended up making these chicken burgers. They were ok, but I didn't really feel great about eating them :/ I don't have any idea why, They weren't bad or anything, I guess I just didn't like that it was prepared and had cheese in it. Irrational I know :( Then I went to the groccery. I bought the essentials and some extras ;] including cilantro. I love cilantro but I haven't had it for a long time!

So that was my so-so day. Kinda boring, but that was it. I feel like I was going to post something else, but I don't remember? Huh..... I will post if I remember.

Have a great Tuesday ok? You deserve it!!



  1. Bike weight ;P haha!!!
    I know how hard it is, arguing about food and what not. The last few times my parents and I did, I remember thinking how I wanted o be able to fight with them about normal teenage stuff, like curfew or using a cell phone at the dinner table. It's sad how ED creeps in to family stuff like that, and so annoying!
    But ultimately, you ate it, and being flexible like that is key. Next time, I bit ED is a bit quieter because of that! Kudos to Scott!!!

  2. Hey there Scott - awesome bike pictures - i love bike riding - i used to ride all the time when i was younger with my brother who is an avid mountain bike rider - i do miss it !!!!! Love your breakfast - i love omelettes!!!! Sorry your mom was giving u a hard time what to eat for dinner - i thought it sounded like a great healthy dinner!!!
    Well have a great Tuesday!!!! xo aimee

  3. I'm making risotto as I speak :) With chorizo and chicken. I get really freaked out by all the oil and wine in risotto but I know I love it so this is a risk I'm willing to take. Shame you got into a fight with your Mum but it just shows that even after recovery, some quarrels and food concerns can't be avoided :/ Love your blog


  4. Hang in there. Just remember that tomorrow brings a fresh start.
