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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Race Report =D

This morning we left around 8:00 for Cincinnati. We packed my bike last night and we packed everything else this morning (including our dogs!) and headed out.

We got to my grandma's at like 10:00. She isn't really feeling well at all :( My dad and I left for my race at around 11:00 to get there in time to warm up and stuff. We got there in plenty of time and I got checked in. Later I found out that nobody was in the junior category, so I would be racing with the cat 4's. (see explanation here) I guess I am happy though because the field was big (about 30) and I felt great! It was 40 miles instead of 30 though :/

So the race started right on time (amazing!) and wasn't too crazy. I stayed with the pack the whole time and ended up getting an 8th place finish or so. I am so proud because last year, I dropped off the pack on the second lap. I was so sick and at a low weight and my mom and sister who came to watch were so worried for me. It makes me so sad to hear what ED made my family go through, and how much it scared them :(

So race details =D The first lap was kinda stressful because the turns were insane! The downhills were so fast and they went right into turns. You can't brake because it throws you off your line, which could make you go off the road :O so that isn't good, and if you do brake everyone else gets way ahead. So I got used to it though and like I said, I stayed with the pack for the whole race :] I got up to 38 mph on a downhill though =D so exhilarating!! I love it! I tried to sprint at the end but I didn't have it in me to win, but I am happy with my first race of the season and my first cat 4 race ever :]

then over to my aunt and uncle to have a birthday party. It was fun, and the food was ok. I even had a bit of cake! We had carrot cake and chocolate... yum..

I wasn't planning on blogging tonight (it seems as though everyone is taking a break right now am I right?), but I ended up staying with my other aunt and uncle who have a computer. yesss!! So here I am. Going to first watch for breakfast tomorrow. I can't wait because the menu looks so great!

enjoy your Sunday!! You deserve it!



  1. So happy you did well in the race today!!!!!!!!!!! What a beautiful day it was outside - glad u were able to enjoy it!!!!! thanks for the comments my post!!!!!! xo aimee

  2. It's so great that you are achieving so much now that you have basically kicked that bastard, ED. So glad to hear that you had a great time, I think that's real sportsmanship but at the same time, you were really into it. Well done, this is just one of the many achievements that are coming to you in the future.


  3. Grüß Gott! <--- das ist was Die aus Bayern sagen für 'hallo'
    Ach, Scott, es freut mich sehr das du so fantastisch gefüllt in die Rennen! Gute besserung zum deine Großmutter!

    8th place is amazing! So so happpppppy for youuuu!


    PS Du bist auch awesome!

  4. Scott, I'm so glad that your race went well; you did amazing! Doesn't it feel fabulous to be able to look back and see how much better life is now that ED isn't in it? Recovery is so worth it, and you're doing awesome!

  5. Congratulations bud! Sounds like you had yourself a wonderful race, and that is definitely something to be proud of! Thanks for the Seattle advice, did you used to live there?

  6. Congratulations with your race!!!! You're blog is really amazing and inspiring.. your so dedicated for posting nearly every day! It makes me so happy to read that you are in a better place then you once were, and are now able to participate in the things you enjoy in a healthier way! It makes me very hopeful for my future as well! Love your blog Scott, so happy to finally read a guys blog for a change!! You're amazing, keep up the great work! :)
    -A <3
