So, today I had math first period, and It was SOOO boring! She talked for an hour and a half straight, which is even worse because she is SO disrespectful! The class ended well though, I got a test back and I got a 93%!!! That is like my best grade in math for the past... a long time!
Got most of my project on EDs done in class today. It is going pretty well I think, but I still haven't told my partner that I have had one :/ I feel kinda stupid because I am like "I think it should have something about this in it" and it is something we haven't even read about, so yeah, I think she might have a clue ;] Oh well, it is going to be one great project!
Then band and German, which was so hot! I heard someone else in the language hall say they saw a thermometer say 80 degrees F in their class =O I was happy to leave... and go on a bike ride!
I went out on a ride with my parents, and we rode about 20 miles (which I need to put in my log darnit!) and stopped towards the end at a restaurant and I had an Elk burger! This is the same restaurant that serves a 1 pound burger, and if you eat it, you get your picture on the wall. I didn't want to try that ;] so I went for the smaller one with mushrooms. so good!
Church was SO great tonight! We talked about outreach opportunities, and how much we grow closer to god when we serve others, for their benefit, not our own. I have been meaning to put up this prayer for a good week now, so I finally got it up today. It is a prayer that I use to pray for all of you, and everybody else in my life that is struggling with anything. Here it is

Oh, and here is a picture of a latte I made my mom yesterday. I am not a fan of lattes really, too much milk for me, but I love to pour them! They turn out so pretty ;]
I will leave you with a quote from Lucie
Have a fabulous day everyone! You deserve it!You DO!! so enjoy it :]
What a beautiful prayer, Scott. Thank you for sharing it :) And that latte looks so tasty... want to come make me one too? Please? I'll make you a bowl of oats as a trade?
ReplyDeleteyou are so amazingly talented at coffee. I just cannot get over it. Seriously. I love it.
Hehehehe I think that the idea of a 1-lb burger is the funniest thing in the world. It's so disgusting. but so entertaining. That's like the size of a person's head. LOL
elk...what's that like? I have some in my freezer (lol) but i've never tried it. I'm not a big meat person.
Thank you for that prayer, by the way. I think it's beautiful. It's so touching. to me, to everyone, I know. Thank you. It's kinda making me tear-up. =/
Have a beautiful day tomorrow (and tonight!)
Aww, thanks for the quote Scott! Okay, MAJOR COOLNESS with the latte, the prayer (love it), the bike ride, and getting to eat free if you finish a pound. Lol. One day you will do that if you feel like it. I know you'll be capable of it; it will be your choice whether or not you want to eat that or something else on the menu. :)
P.S. My word verification thing was "wellness." A good sign. ;)
ReplyDeleteLove the latte art! Thanks for the comment you left on my blog, I really appreciated it, the one about commenting on blogs. Good to see that you are actually doing the project on EDs. I dunno really when the best opportunity would be to tell your lab partner but maybe save it for a while to prevent possible awkwardness.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the quote from Lucie too, I agree!
haha, I really like this post. It was so happy and uplifting. And you are so lucky for the bike ride!! I love riding my bike, someday if you happen to be in the Seattle area we should go for a ride. haha, of course you would seriously leave me in the dust!! But it makes me happy to see you so happy! :D
you can pour me a latte any day sir! you have mad skilllzzzz! nice work on the math test, def my worst subject :)
ReplyDeleteLove that prayer - its just what I needed today!!!!! Your coffee looks amazing as usual!!!!!!! Have a great Thursday!!!! xo aimee
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your maths test!!!!!! Way to go! :D I have never met an interesting maths teacher...hehe, but no need for them to be disrespectful. Gah.
ReplyDeleteI love that you and your parents go on bike rides together! What does elk taste like?
I love lattes but I have to be in the mood for a more coffee flavoured milk than a real deal coffee.
Love the prayer :)
Hey Scott!
ReplyDeleteI just started reading your blogs, old and new. I already love getting to know you! Despite the fact that we don't really know each other, I'm glad that we are bloggie buddies. =] In no time we will know each other very well! Just by reading a few posts, I can tell that you are a determined, strong individual. I look forward to your next post!
hey scott :) i just started reading your blog :P that latte looks so lovely. you seem really nice and aha your math teacher seems ehhh xox