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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

wednesday 17 mar 2010

Hello happy Wednesday!!

I wrote this post below in a lot of short sessions, so It will be a bit scattered. Bear with me ;]

I am such a rebel today!! I read some blogs during 1st period after I got my project done ;] shhhh. Don't tell!!

Today's school day was pretty ok. I just got so tired by the end of the day :/ and I only went to bed a half hour later than the night before! But first period went well, we had time to work on our "stress analysis" in engineering. Basically we take some parts of a product we made, and the program we use can test their strength! It is so cool in a really geeky way ;] Then in SRT I got all of my homework done so no homework for me tonight =D Then in chemistry, we got to work on our work that is going to be due next class so I got a lot done there. Then English was so awesome, because we had the most awesome sub ever!!! He comes in and is just so laid back and stuff, NOT like a normal sub at all! He then proceeded to give us all candy bars! Just to be nice :] then we worked on our second rough draft of a paper we are doing. So my productive day at school ended on a nice note :]

I got out of the school and Oh. My . Gosh! The weather is so beautiful!! I absolutely love it ;] I got home and it was almost 60 degrees! So I went outside and did a bit of homework on the deck while listening to some music and took Gretchen on a run. It was so fun and I refuse to give up this weather. I simply refuse ;]

Tonight my dad is bringing something home from Costco, but I have to leave for church so I had a tofu stir fry. It was so good, I made a tahini miso sauce with a bit of rice whine vinegar. And it used up the leftover rice from last night.

On my way up to church there was a MASSIVE wreck on the main road to the church. I tried to go around it like three ways, and I finally got there, but it took like 20 minutes and it should have taken 5! I really want to find out what happened but there is no news today.

church was so great tonight. It was about how we can worship in so many ways. I learned so much about how I can praise god through not only the usual ways, like singing, but also through things I never before would have thought of before. We can worship by saying to god something simple like "thank you for getting to work today." It can be as simple as that. I really want to work on this more.

I got home and our friends were over to put the house on the market. I guess it is final now :/ I still don't know what to think about it. I mean I wouldn't want to move if I didn't have to, but I am looking forward to it for the adventure of it you know? It will be a change, but I am confident that I can get used to it.

So that is pretty much I got for tonight. I want to apologize for not commenting on your posts tonight :( I was so busy! Don't worry though, I am reading them before I go to bed tonight :]

Stay strong an have a great Thursday! We are more than half of the way through the week!!


  1. Good morning - glad you had a good day yesterday - love the weather - great for getting outside!!!!!!! Glad you enjpyed church today - its a great way to forget about your problems - i look forward to going each week just to "clear" my mind!!!!
    Moving can be very exciting - just think a new adventure!!
    Have a great THursday!!!!!!!!!! xo aimee

  2. glad you had a good day hun! and omg, the SAMe exact thing happened to me today with a wreck and trying to get around it. it was like right on the main road outside of my house so it was a big deal!
    take care <3 stay strong!

  3. tahini miso sauce!! yum! you are a total rebel for blogging in class..i've still never done that, i'm paranoid of people looking at my screen!!

  4. I really enjoyed what you said about being able to worship God for even the smallest details, in the smallest ways. Worshiping God, really, to me is just experiencing and enjoying Him. :-)
    Enjoy your day...and enjoy God!
