I had the most amazing weekend! I guess it wasn't really anything
too special, but I just
really enjoyed it.
I wanted to post yesterday, but I was just
so tired!
So first, I just relaxed because, well, it was Saturday, and that's what we do :] I had breakfast with my dad and then my parents left for a bike ride. Then I got ready for my ride, had an espresso, and I drove up to meet them for a second breakfast where they always stop for breakfast. I had a bowl of oats with them (sub par restaurant oats:/) and then headed off to my ride. I ended up having time to go home and ride from there.
The ride was SO great! It was the first ride I had done with my team since the fall, and it was so nice to feel like a part of a group again. We had a good 15 people and had a pretty fast ride. I am so looking forward to this season! I am healthier, faster, and more mature and I can't wait =D I wish I could explain to you the beauty of a double rotating paceline going 27mph all in a perfect harmony... ahhhh
Today, I went on a bike ride with my dad and two friends of ours. The ride was good, a bit weird though because I felt better when I got home than when I left, like less tired? IDK why, but I like it :) It was a slower ride than yesterday, but I was ready for that after yesterday's ride! We went up to a coffee shop and I had oatmeal ( I always eat two breakfasts if I ride around breakfast time) and a nice macchiato. It is always funny when I order this out though because I just say "I'll have an espresso macchiato" and they are so used to "
grande nonfat doubleshot sugarfree extra whip caramel macchiato" that they usually get ordered. Nothing wrong with that, it just isn't me :] Then right when we left, I was getting my bike ready and I saw a
Corvette ZR1!! I guess most of you out there are girls and don't know what that is so... It is the top of the line corvette and has 650 horsepower (
that is a LOT) and costs $100,000+ so I was excited to say the least. I gave them a thumbs up and the lady in the passenger seat saw me and waved. I told my dad and friends "My day is complete" ;] it was so cool, but my day got
even better!
I got home and was ready to make lunch when I found out we were out of lunch meat, so no sandwich for me :( Not to worry! I made a salad with edamame, feta cheese, strawberries, and strawberry vinaigrette all over a bed of mixed greens. With a nice crusty roll.

After that, I sat down for a few minutes Gretchen (my dog) before I headed over to small group (A.K.A. Bible study) Then I rode my bike over to small group and we have two new guys (YAY!!) and we discussed trust, prayer, and giving thanks to God and studied Psalm 31.
A lot of what we talked about was trust, and how sometimes it is easy and sometimes it is harder to trust in god and what his plans for us are. (I was trying to get a message similar to this from a few weeks ago in church up on here, but I can't get it posted yet :( Hopefully I can share that with you soon)
A lot of people told some of their stories of when it was tough to trust in god, and one of the guys in our group told us about how last year he was diagnosed with Melanoma, and it was really hard to understand what God had in mind for him, he learned through that experience how to trust God better. Then we also talked about the speaker on the retreat, and how he had no idea where God was in his life, and now he is a motivational speaker that uses his experiences to move the audiences he talks to.
This made me think of my ED and what i had been through and why that could be. I wanted to share with the group, but I always chicken out when I get the opportunity to talk about it. I guess it is just some irrational fear of mine that they will think less of me if I share my experiences with them... but rationally I know that this is
not true, it is a church group of my friends and they
wouldn't judge me... IDK :/
So, I will share with you what came to me during small group today...
I am thankful that I
had my ED. I know this sounds really sick, but if I hadn't I wouldn't have had the experience in my life and the understanding and connection I have with all of you. While I find it tough sometimes to figure out why God is putting me through some things, I always find comfort in the fact that there must be a reason and I am going through whatever I am going through and that
it will be OK.I am thankful for the simple things in life
- The sounds of birds coming back from the winter
- Driving around the block to finish the song with my dad
- family
- the opportunity to learn
- Riding my bike
- the smell of spring
- the happiness the sun can bring
- music
- friends
and I could probably think of more. I want to pay more attention to these simple gifts from God in my life, and thank him every chance I get.
I am also thankful for
Trader Joe's, which is where I went with my dad after dinner today! We don't usually go there because it is pretty far from home, but we went out to eat at skyline (where I got a black beans and rice pasta, I decided I had gone this long without meat today, I might as well make it a vegetarian day right?) I saw it on the way and said I had to go there on the way home, because we needed milk and lunch-meat anyway...
I bought most of what I convince my dad to buy ;] which included...
- Medjool dates
- raw milk cheddar cheese
- sunflower seed butter
- crunchy unsalted almond butter
- goat's milk yogurt
- TJ greek yogurt ya, I eat a lot of yogurt ;]
- milk
- some really nice looking lunch-meat
I love this store!! I must go there more often... maybe if I go grocery shopping for the family, but my parents wouldn't let me go in there alone, I would buy EVERYTHING!! hehe ;]
Well, off to read your posts! Hope you all had a great weekend as well, and let's make this upcoming week great k?